View Full Version : New Setup / Random pic

08-04-14, 09:58 PM
Whatsup guys. Been super busy lately, had some free time today so I decided to give the expanding foam / naturalistic viv thing another shot. Learned alot this time, still have lots of room for improvement. No reptiles going in this one, maybe two guppies or a beta in the bottom reservoir. Pump shoots water out, filters it externally, and back in as a waterfall. Also, a random pic of a gecko I shot tonight. Cage might not look like much, but the list of supplies was crazy (I had a lot of them already though).

Spray paint, expanding foam, coco fiber, plants, pump, external filter, plexi top, lighting, black silicone, cork bark slabs / tubes etc. etc.

https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/10256768_1538168363073311_1301050645178002568_o.jp g

https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10517394_1538161013074046_4475153492918462428_o.jp g


08-04-14, 09:58 PM
Oh, and the water hasn't settled yet, thats why it looks disgusting haha.

08-04-14, 11:15 PM
Looks awesome

08-05-14, 08:22 AM
Looks very nice!!

08-05-14, 09:33 AM
Looks awesome! :) That gecko is so cute, too, its eyes are huge, lol.