View Full Version : Hello everyone!

08-03-14, 09:29 PM
What else is their to say? I love snakes! I'm a high school girl who finds deep interest in these fascinating critters. I've had a lot of experience with them, especially living in the country side where plenty of Rattlers and Copperheads are slithering about.
In addition to this, I volunteer at a nature summer camp, where I'm nicknamed the "Zookeeper". I take care of every snake there from ball pythons to coachwips, and help the children to learn about them. They learn how to identify snakes, their special part in our ecosystem, and even get to have hands on experience with the docile snakes. It's a blast. When I'm at home though, I spend time with my own two babies--a red tail boa and a corn. They are wonderful stress relievers and help me to cope with my severe anxiety problems. So hi to everyone on the forum! I hope to enjoy my time here! :D

08-04-14, 07:59 AM
Hey and welcome!!

08-04-14, 08:12 AM
Welcome & hello

08-11-14, 01:18 PM
Welcome to the forum! Please read our sSNAKESs forum rules. (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v651/alessia55/welcomematssnakess.jpg

08-11-14, 01:24 PM
Hey and Welcome

EL Ziggy
08-11-14, 01:42 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

08-11-14, 02:29 PM
Hello and Welcome from London :)

08-12-14, 08:10 AM
Welcome aboard!