View Full Version : Froggy Find

08-02-14, 08:50 PM
Found this little guy in my yard and thought I would take some photos nothing special I don't think except that he could have cared less I was taking pictures of him lol
http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/aimiscrazy/IMG_20140802_214339_726_zpsmelrsj3z.jpg (http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/aimiscrazy/media/IMG_20140802_214339_726_zpsmelrsj3z.jpg.html)
http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/aimiscrazy/IMG_20140802_213708_zpsuexsvges.jpg (http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/aimiscrazy/media/IMG_20140802_213708_zpsuexsvges.jpg.html)

08-03-14, 01:55 AM
That's a toad! (: Handsome find!

08-03-14, 06:57 AM
Well dang it! I'm definitely showing my newness Lmao!!!

08-03-14, 07:46 AM
That's a toad! (: Handsome find!

Toads need love too! :p

08-03-14, 08:43 AM
Well he was a cute little toad then!!

08-03-14, 10:51 AM
I found a few chorus frogs the other day:)

08-03-14, 10:54 AM
I found a few chorus frogs the other day:)

These "toads" are every where but when you get close to those frogs snap a picture please

08-04-14, 12:40 AM
Toads need love too! :p

I love toads! ^.^ When I was a kid at home still, I would go out at night to catch frogs and toads... I documented everything I caught and where. It was so much fun! lol

08-04-14, 12:23 PM
My girls keep catching the toads around here and trying to bring them in the house! That's how I learned they had a love for our more cold blooded creatures. They run from dogs, but let Blaze slither all over them! Lmao!