View Full Version : Am I the only one

07-28-14, 12:56 PM
I am presently quite concerned about this python ban. I will never let my pets go. they will have to pry them from my cold dead hands. I am just worried about the hobby and all the future herpers who may not get the chance. I was just wondering how everyone else feels about this ban. and what everyones thoughts on if this is going to pass or not.

07-28-14, 04:06 PM
If there are some honest people with half a brain that have a part in the decision we've got a good chance. The science is on our side, everything weapon they have against our hobby isn't fact. The first burm was found in Florida in the early 80s(give or take a few) and haven't moved up from south Florida(clue 1).

But....seeing how we're talking about our government.... I don't know. Lot of greedy people and the animal rights groups have a ton of money to spend buying their way; seeing how they're not helping animals with the donations. Soooo... I'm worried aswell were it'll end up.

BUT ... Usarks lawsuite has been going smoothly so far. Maybe the Lacey act will not be able to restrict the interstate transportation of any of the constrictors, Burms and all. Maybe we're worring about nothing... I sure hope so.

I'm mostly scared of if this passes.... what's next? the fact that ill miss out on alot of really cool retic locales in the future sucks aswell.

Now we wait. I hate this part; anyone know when we're supposed to hear anything?

07-28-14, 06:21 PM
I feel so sorry for you guys in the US. I'm always hearing such strict regulations when it comes to snakes over there like your not allowed to cross state lines with certain snakes, your not allowed to breed or even keep certain snakes in certain states etc. It's so sad because over here in the UK apart from laws on keeping "hot" snakes (like anywhere else) there are no restrictions or laws on any kind of snake you want. Just maybe let your neighbours know if you plan on keeping something like a Burmese Python or something lol. I find it ridiculous how your government is SO against harmless snakes for no logical reason, like how can you not move from one state to another with your pet? Astonishing.