View Full Version : I'm a little bit worried...

07-28-14, 07:21 AM
So my Corn snake had signs of pre shed for a few days such as darkness of the skin, misty eyes, hiding all day etc. But I've checked on him today and he's back to normal! With no signs of shed skin anywhere! Please help because I'm rather worried.

07-28-14, 07:29 AM
He'll shed soon. The "blue" phase goes away before they shed.

07-28-14, 07:37 AM
He'll shed soon. The "blue" phase goes away before they shed.

Ok that's good news I got so worried that I'd done something wrong. I'm new to snake keeping so I just thought they stay in the blue phase until they start shedding. He's due for a feed today so do you think I should feed him or wait until after he's finished shedding? And do you approximately in what time frame he'll start shedding now he's out of the blue phase? Sorry for being such a pest.

07-28-14, 07:59 AM
Shed usually happens about 3 days after the blue clears, but can be shorter or longer. I would wait to feed. He's not going to starve in that time, and if he is reluctant to feed then you've wasted a mouse.

07-28-14, 08:02 AM
My little king just did this last week. He refused to eat in blue BUT did take a mouse Tuesday while in the clear phase, so it's worth trying. He shed two days later.

On the other hand, it wouldn't hurt to wait another couple of days until he sheds, either.

07-28-14, 08:08 AM
Shed usually happens about 3 days after the blue clears, but can be shorter or longer. I would wait to feed. He's not going to starve in that time, and if he is reluctant to feed then you've wasted a mouse.

Ok thank you for your help, glad he's ok. I'm almost 100% sure he'd take a mouse if I offered it to him I just don't want him to use lots of energy to eat then be exhausted when he has to shed.

07-28-14, 08:11 AM
My little king just did this last week. He refused to eat in blue BUT did take a mouse Tuesday while in the clear phase, so it's worth trying. He shed two days later.

On the other hand, it wouldn't hurt to wait another couple of days until he sheds, either.

Oh good I'm so happy to hear it's a common thing I got so concerned for him, I always make myself sound like such a drama queen lol. I know for a fact he'd eat but like I said to pdomensis I don't want him to have no energy when it comes to shedding after he's eaten do I don't know.

Jim Smith
07-28-14, 08:33 AM
Also, depending on which substrate you use (Aspen etc.) and how much you use, many of the smaller snakes will crawl through the bedding material to facilitate the shedding process. Often the shed skin will be completely buried in the substrate. I use Aspen substrate and this happens quite often with my Hondurans. You may have to comb your fingers through the bedding to find the shed skin.

07-28-14, 10:31 AM
Also, depending on which substrate you use (Aspen etc.) and how much you use, many of the smaller snakes will crawl through the bedding material to facilitate the shedding process. Often the shed skin will be completely buried in the substrate. I use Aspen substrate and this happens quite often with my Hondurans. You may have to comb your fingers through the bedding to find the shed skin.

Yeah I use aspen shedding and I combed through it just incase he had done what you said but nope not one but of shed skin so I guess It's just a waiting game.

07-28-14, 10:51 AM
Don't worry nazanova, you aren't the only one asking these type of questions, haha. See my own "Can't tell if MBK is being weird, or not" thread. XD

Everyone here is very nice about it. :)

07-28-14, 10:58 AM
As everyone else said, your snake will shed soon :) Regarding feeding, whether you wait or not is up to you. You could always offer food, and if he doesn't take it, then you'll know that he doesn't eat while he's getting ready to shed, and not to offer next time. Out of the four snakes I've had, only one doesn't eat when its in shed.

07-28-14, 12:43 PM
As everyone else said, your snake will shed soon :) Regarding feeding, whether you wait or not is up to you. You could always offer food, and if he doesn't take it, then you'll know that he doesn't eat while he's getting ready to shed, and not to offer next time. Out of the four snakes I've had, only one doesn't eat when its in shed.

Yeah I think I'll offer him food just to see if he is the kind of snake that eats during pre shed or not so I know for next time. Thanks for the advice

07-28-14, 12:45 PM
Don't worry nazanova, you aren't the only one asking these type of questions, haha. See my own "Can't tell if MBK is being weird, or not" thread. XD

Everyone here is very nice about it. :)

Haha yeah this forum is amazing and everyone is so nice. I feel so silly sometimes when asking people things but I guess it's better to ask so I can provide the best care for my animal then let "embarrassment" or "pride" potentially affect the health of my pet.

07-29-14, 02:09 AM
I wouldn't feed. I don't think there is anything wrong with feeding during shed, but a lot of snakes won't take food and you end up wasting a mouse.

07-29-14, 04:39 AM
I wouldn't feed. I don't think there is anything wrong with feeding during shed, but a lot of snakes won't take food and you end up wasting a mouse.

I fed him a small pinkie yesterday and he took it off me as he always does. I made sure it was really small so he didn't use all his energy digesting it then be tired when it's time for him to shed.

07-29-14, 05:34 AM
so he didn't use all his energy digesting it then be tired when it's time for him to shed.

I really don't think this is something you should worry about. Digestion isn't like a snake triathlon. Reptiles are very efficient in every way. Besides that, the result of digestion is more fuel for the body.

07-29-14, 06:47 AM
Well I guess your right eminart because guess what I found in Plutos tank today!

http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah3/zurgaa1/Mobile%20Uploads/A3FF64D9-FD40-4EAF-AA46-4F11EC6C0738_zpsd9jgdtvf.jpg (http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/zurgaa1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/A3FF64D9-FD40-4EAF-AA46-4F11EC6C0738_zpsd9jgdtvf.jpg.html)

http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah3/zurgaa1/Mobile%20Uploads/8C98D090-7DC5-4D1A-81DA-4302BFAA1B82_zpss35dkbak.jpg (http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/zurgaa1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/8C98D090-7DC5-4D1A-81DA-4302BFAA1B82_zpss35dkbak.jpg.html)

http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah3/zurgaa1/Mobile%20Uploads/6AEB342C-DE0A-4E5F-91FA-BB27DAF3499C_zpsvmhu60vb.jpg (http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/zurgaa1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/6AEB342C-DE0A-4E5F-91FA-BB27DAF3499C_zpsvmhu60vb.jpg.html)

07-29-14, 06:49 AM
Congrats! Is this your first time?

EL Ziggy
07-29-14, 07:47 AM
Congrats on the successful first shed.

07-29-14, 08:39 AM
Congrats! Is this your first time?

Yes first shed and first snake so everything is exciting lol.

07-29-14, 08:40 AM
Congrats on the successful first shed.

Thanks Ziggy

07-29-14, 09:18 AM
Yes first shed and first snake so everything is exciting lol.

Congrats again! If you don't get excited, what's the point?

07-29-14, 12:13 PM
Congrats again! If you don't get excited, what's the point?

Very true! Never thought I'd could get so attached to a snake. Everything he does is just an experience of awe and excitement! Love it

07-29-14, 12:31 PM
Congrats! You will want more snakes soon! hehe:D

07-29-14, 02:28 PM
Congrats! You will want more snakes soon! hehe:D

Thank you! Ohhhh trust me I've already got that fever! I've already decided the next 3 snakes I want and I am already planning my next life long friend but I'm at a cross road between a ball python or a MBK soooo decisions decisions! Lol.

07-29-14, 02:31 PM
Oooh, careful nazanova, mention that and you get the MBK fan club out in force. ;)

(Psst, MBK is a great answer!)

(I guess I'm part of the fan club, huh)

07-29-14, 02:37 PM
Oooh, careful nazanova, mention that and you get the MBK fan club out in force. ;)

(Psst, MBK is a great answer!)

(I guess I'm part of the fan club, huh)

Who us?:p:D

07-29-14, 03:25 PM

I like black snakes. :D

Nothing wrong with BP's though.

07-29-14, 03:27 PM
Oooh, careful nazanova, mention that and you get the MBK fan club out in force. ;)

(Psst, MBK is a great answer!)

(I guess I'm part of the fan club, huh)

Hahahaha! Oh that made me chuckle! I guess the peer pressure is gonna push me towards an MBK next huh? I know if I post a picture of a ball python in the next couple of months I'll never be forgiven! Hahaha

07-29-14, 03:28 PM
Who us?:p:D

(Think they have found me xD)

07-29-14, 03:30 PM

I like black snakes. :D

Nothing wrong with BP's though.

Yes MBKs are on another level of sickness! But BPs are are serious contenders but I think the MBK fan club is not going to stop hounding me until that's my next purchase xD

07-29-14, 03:37 PM
Yes MBKs are on another level of sickness! But BPs are are serious contenders but I think the MBK fan club is not going to stop hounding me until that's my next purchase xD

Well, in fairness, you do have a kingsnake already. A BP would be something different. They're cool snakes in their own right - hence the millions of them in the pet trade.

07-29-14, 03:47 PM
Well, in fairness, you do have a kingsnake already. A BP would be something different. They're cool snakes in their own right - hence the millions of them in the pet trade.

Na I have a Albino Amel Corn Snake :), but kingsnakes and corn snakes are so familiar so a BP would be a new learning experience and a different type of animal to love.

07-29-14, 03:59 PM
when going through the shed proccess a snakes eyes will go blue,then their eyes clear up and look normal again.....

2 to 10 days later the snake will shed

it's nothing to worry about

cheers shaun

EL Ziggy
07-29-14, 04:35 PM
Oooh, careful nazanova, mention that and you get the MBK fan club out in force. ;)

(Psst, MBK is a great answer!)

(I guess I'm part of the fan club, huh)

We are legion. Resistance is futile :)

07-29-14, 05:00 PM
when going through the shed proccess a snakes eyes will go blue,then their eyes clear up and look normal again.....

2 to 10 days later the snake will shed

it's nothing to worry about

cheers shaun

Now I know :) learn something new everyday. His was 2 days later so now I know his kind of behaviour. Thanks

07-29-14, 05:02 PM
We are legion. Resistance is futile :)

Looks like MBK it is then.... Hahaha. Quick question for you guys. Over in America how much are MBKs? Because over here in the UK from what I've seen they're between £70-100 (roughly $90-120)

EL Ziggy
07-29-14, 06:34 PM
I paid $70 for my MBK. With shipping $110. Nothing against BP's, that was my first snake years ago, but MBK's are really great snakes and quite a bit more active than BP's and with far fewer feeding issues which can be frustrating.

07-29-14, 08:28 PM
I paid $70 for my MBK. With shipping $110. Nothing against BP's, that was my first snake years ago, but MBK's are really great snakes and quite a bit more active than BP's and with far fewer feeding issues which can be frustrating.

Oh ok not too much of a difference just thought I'd ask because more often then not you guys can get snakes generally much cheaper then we can. Very true I've done a lot of research into both sides and the feeding part of BPs would be very frustrating indeed. I've heard kingsnakes are quite the biters as babies but that doesn't bother me in the slightest, I don't know honestly I think I'll end up with a BP simply because it's different kind of snake to a Corn whereas Kings are very similar and also with BP it'll be a whole new learning experience. But if I do side with BPs.... An MBK will DEFINITELY be my next buddy afterwards :)

EL Ziggy
07-29-14, 09:34 PM
Kings get a bad rep in my opinion. Neither of my kings have ever bitten or even struck at me. The most I've ever gotten was a tail rattle and a musk and that's when I first got them. There are some gorgeous BP's out there too. I love the pied BP's. Best wishes with whatever you choose Nova just be sure to post pics! ;)

07-29-14, 10:17 PM
Kings get a bad rep in my opinion. Neither of my kings have ever bitten or even struck at me. The most I've ever gotten was a tail rattle and a musk and that's when I first got them. There are some gorgeous BP's out there too. I love the pied BP's. Best wishes with whatever you choose Nova just be sure to post pics! ;)

Yeah nothing about their rep puts me off them they're still a gorgeous group that I'm definitely going to own at some point. There are so many different morphs! But I'm not rich so I think a normal one will have to be for me hahaha, but thank you very muh and I know how much you guys love your pics so they'll come of course.

07-30-14, 12:31 PM
My MBK is a giant wuss. No bite in him at all so far. I paid $56 for mine, iirc.

I wanted a lively snake with minimal food issues if I could help it, so that's why I've veered away from BPs so far. I wanted a western hognose next, but they're a threatened species in my state and thus a PITA to legally acquire, so I might skip out and just get more kings. Because kings.

07-30-14, 01:05 PM
My MBK is a giant wuss. No bite in him at all so far. I paid $56 for mine, iirc.

I wanted a lively snake with minimal food issues if I could help it, so that's why I've veered away from BPs so far. I wanted a western hognose next, but they're a threatened species in my state and thus a PITA to legally acquire, so I might skip out and just get more kings. Because kings.

Yeah my view is most snakes are as nice as ever, you just get that odd one in every animal species that's just abit mean. Price isn't expensive at all neither so I hope that's the case for me when I get my MBK. Very true about food issues like it wouldn't bother me because it's a learning experience but of course I'd be a little frustrated and worried also for his/her well being even though it's completely normal for BPs to have such feeding issues. See I've looked in multiple pet stores and talked to a few breeders and I have NEVER seen any kind of Hognose for sale! Not even as a pet over here.

07-30-14, 06:35 PM
Na I have a Albino Amel Corn Snake :), but kingsnakes and corn snakes are so familiar so a BP would be a new learning experience and a different type of animal to love.

Ah, sorry. I was confusing you with someone else. Get one of each. No hard decision then.

07-31-14, 12:50 AM
Ah, sorry. I was confusing you with someone else. Get one of each. No hard decision then.

I definitely plan to it's just hard deciding which one I get first lol. If I had the money I'd get a BP and a MBK at the same time haha.