View Full Version : Illinois has lift the Ban on large constrictors.

07-27-14, 11:23 AM
This is a big step and hopefully other states will follow.
Effective January 1, 2015, Illinois will have an historic law in effect and will be the only state in the US with a code section devoted exclusively to reptiles and amphibians.

Governor Quinn Signs the Herptiles-Herps Act! | United States Herpetoculture Alliance (http://usherp.org/2014/07/16/governor-quinn-signs-the-herptiles-herps-act/)

The full text of it.

Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0902 (http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=09800SB0902eng&GA=98&SessionId=85&DocTypeId=SB&LegID=70515&DocNum=902&GAID=12&Session=)

07-27-14, 11:27 AM
Awesome! Does this include Chicago?

07-27-14, 11:57 AM
Awesome! Does this include Chicago?
As far as i know. It will be a state wide law but local laws may still enforce restriction. I am not really sure how that all going to work. I know Galsburg Ill has a flat out ban on all Boas and Pythons in city limits.

07-27-14, 11:58 AM
Looks like a big step in the right direction but it is still none to friendly to hot or large lizard keepers. Section 5-15 is pretty awesome.

07-27-14, 12:08 PM
For me this is the cool part.

SB0902 Engrossed- 18 -LRB098 05139 MRW 35170 b
Section 15-5. Boas, pythons, and anacondas. Nothing shall 2
prohibit lawfully acquired possession of any of the Boidae 3
family, such as boas, pythons, and anacondas, provided captive 4
maintenance requirements from the Department as set forth in 5
this Act are met. All boas, pythons, and anacondas referenced 6
in this Act are exempt from the permit process, associated 7
annual fee, and liability insurance coverage.
Section 15-10. Maintenance of boas, pythons, and 9
anacondas. Any species of boa, python, or anaconda not native 10
to the United States, regardless of length, must be properly 11
maintained in suitable, strong, impact resistant, escape-proof 12
enclosures at all times unless being used for bona fide 13
educational programs or trips for veterinary care.
Section 15-15. Educational programs with boas, pythons, 15
and anacondas. During any bona fide educational program 16
involving boas, pythons, or anacondas not native to the United 17
States, the owner or affiliated agent must maintain physical 18
possession of the snake at all times if removed from a 19
container or cage. Interiors of cages or containers used during 20
educational programs may not be accessible to the public.
Section 15-20. Transport of boas, pythons, and anacondas. 22
During transport of any boa, python, or anaconda, the snake 23
must be kept out of sight of the public in an escape-proof

SB0902 Engrossed- 19 -LRB098 05139 MRW 35170 b
enclosure at all times.
Section 15-25. Use of boas, pythons, and anacondas at 3
reptile shows. An owner or affiliated agent must have physical 4
possession and control of any boa, python, or anaconda that is 5
not native to the United States at all times if removed from a 6
container or cage. Uncontained boas, pythons, or anacondas 7
removed from cages for examination or onlooker interaction must 8
be kept confined either behind or at a display table. Interiors 9
of cages or containers may not be accessible to the public.

07-27-14, 12:15 PM
Looks like a big step in the right direction but it is still none to friendly to hot or large lizard keepers. Section 5-15 is pretty awesome.

Also a big step for Crocodilian. I believe before this it was flat out illegal for anyone other than zoo to own them.

07-27-14, 12:38 PM
Also a big step for Crocodilian. I believe before this it was flat out illegal for anyone other than zoo to own them.

That is good news then.