View Full Version : Hello from Toronto - Soon to be ATB owner

Carl Spackler
07-21-14, 05:25 PM

I'm from Toronto and will be an owner of two ATB's in the near future. I am purchasing from a local reptile zoo called Reptillia.

These will be my first snake(s) but I am up for the challenge. I have always been fascinated by arboreal reptiles. I currently own a few healthy chameleons and I think an ATB would be a nice contrast to the docile and delicate chameleon world lol.

Thanks and I look forward to learning from everyone here!

EL Ziggy
07-23-14, 08:37 AM
Welcome and best wishes Carl!

07-23-14, 09:39 AM
Welcome aboard carl.

07-23-14, 09:45 AM
Hey and Welcome!

07-23-14, 02:13 PM
Hey and Welcome

07-23-14, 02:48 PM
Hello and welcome! ATBs are awesome! Good luck with your future snake.

07-23-14, 03:32 PM

I think I'm going to invest in a pair of ATB's soon myself. They seem like awesome snakes.

07-23-14, 05:48 PM
ATBs are semi arboreal. Lee from reptilia is great. I bought my dark red from them a few years ago.

07-26-14, 08:52 PM
Welcome aboard!

07-26-14, 09:41 PM
Hey, welcome!

Carl Spackler
07-27-14, 08:42 AM
Thanks for the welcome and help guys

I have been speaking with Connor at reptillia and he's been great. This Thursday cannot come fast enough...I can't wait to get my ATB