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rattus knits
07-20-14, 02:55 PM

I'm monica/moni/rattus knits (from my etsy shop) and i'm a new snake keeper for garters, but i've been catching snakes for fun since i was little and have worked with kings, corns, and the constrictors, i just like my little garters haha

Anyways i'm also a feeder mouse breeder (small time) so i'll be posting for that too

ummm.... i also own a cat, a painted turtle, a box turtle, 4 rats, and a horse and chickens... used to have more but we've downsized since i've started going to college (i'm a stay at home though)

So yeah... i love making friends so hit me up (lol) and i hope to learn more about my new little buddies from some of you guys too

EL Ziggy
07-21-14, 11:14 AM
Welcome and best wishes!

07-21-14, 11:36 AM
Hey and Welcome!

07-21-14, 11:37 AM
Hello and welcome!

07-21-14, 01:17 PM
Welcome aboard. Glad to have you. One of our moderators here is really into garters as well. They are fun to watch.

07-21-14, 02:11 PM
Welcome aboard!

07-21-14, 02:37 PM
Hey and welcome

07-21-14, 02:59 PM
hey welcome, I've got myself a garter and ive kept a few wild caught:) awesome pets