View Full Version : Reptile Quote of the Day

07-19-14, 12:01 AM
"The loss of limbs could seem to be a handicap and certainly makes a snake seem like alien creatures to us, but it is that very loss that has enabled a snake to colonize every environment, from below the ground to above the ground, from bushes to trees, to the air and even to the sea.
And it is that absence of limbs too which has enabled them to do it with such elegance and grace."

-David Attenborough.
-Life in Cold Blood.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10387230_512796015487849_5432157124403897682_n.jpg ?oh=b243b7a3ae75cc78e11b6acde0bc0351&oe=544D78FB&__gda__=1412944754_aaac5225f07193ba57ed9ba5abbcfac 6

EL Ziggy
07-19-14, 09:04 AM
Lots of truth in those words. That's why we love our critters :)