View Full Version : My Honduran milk snake

07-18-14, 05:58 AM
Here is a picture of my milk snake. The picture aren't that good simply because its hard to take one with here. I've had Scarlet for about 7 months and everything is going well. Scarlet loves to eat though, I just feed her yesterday and right after I feed her she was looking for more.
I got lucky because I got a tame Honduran milk snake, she hasn't even tried to tag me yet she just bites the tongs when i try to feed her. She has grown a few inches since I got her. I feed my milk snake once every week

I will be sure to post more and better pictures soon :]

07-18-14, 07:54 AM
Very pretty girl!

EL Ziggy
07-18-14, 08:00 AM
Welcome and best wishes Apple. Scarlet is a real beauty. I love Hondos.

07-18-14, 08:51 PM
She is tiny! Nice milk snake, I am rather unfamiliar with this colubrid to be honest!

Jim Smith
07-19-14, 09:23 AM
I have Honduran milk snakes and I find that they often need more than one food item for a feeding, especially when they're young and growing quickly. You might try offering her a second mouse after she has swallowed the first one and has it well into her stomach. Just a thought...

07-20-14, 01:33 AM
Beautiful hondo! :)