View Full Version : My Dumeril's boa

07-17-14, 01:20 PM
Here are some pictures of my Dumeril's boa. I've had him for about a month not he didn't eat for about 4 weeks, but I finally got him to. Even though Dumeril's boa are supposed to be super tame I managed to get bit by him, but besides that he's super tame. I have been having troubles with heating, because I put a heat pad on the bottom of his tank to heat up that side of the tank, but he always avoided it. Whenever I would move the pad to where he has been laying he always moves away from it so I stopped using the heat pad and just got a heat lamp. It seems to be working fine and he's been acting normally. I would like to ask you guys for some tips and advice on my dumeril's boa. [since it is the first boa I've taken care of myself]

07-17-14, 01:22 PM
The not in the first sentence is supposed to be now

07-17-14, 01:23 PM
Nice-looking Dum, AbioticApple -- and welcome to the forum!

I will have to defer to the species experts to answer your questions.

07-17-14, 01:23 PM
Nice looking dumeril's. Did you have the heat mat on a thermostat? If not, it could have been too hot and that would be why he was avoiding it.

07-17-14, 07:39 PM
Under tank heaters aren't necessarily the right temperature. You have to use a thermostat or rheostat and/or adjust the depth of your substrate to get it right.

07-17-14, 07:54 PM
As they said...

The one I had come through like to burrow straight to the bottom of the tub, so I had the heat set to 86, and never had an issue.

07-20-14, 05:05 PM
great colors :)