View Full Version : Your Pets' Names!

07-15-14, 11:03 PM
Hi, everyone!

I'm an animal lover and a student of names. Combining my two loves, I'm curious - what are the names of your animals? I did a search for a similar thread and didn't see one :) I hope this isn't redundant for you guys!

My snakes: [current] Jinx (BP), Riddle (BRB), [past] Nellie (Corn), Tallulah (Corn), and Nanashi (Eastern Milk Snake).

My other animals (past and current): (dogs) Dakota, Bo, Milo, Ruby, (turtles) Turtle, Hercules, Moss, (parakeet, cockatiels, and a conure) Gordie, Cinnamon, Spike, Tango, (mice) Rusty, Rose, Daisy, Sarah, Todd, (hedgehog) Riff-Raff.

Lay 'em on me! ;)

07-15-14, 11:16 PM
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Born: Oct 2013
Sex: Male

Name: Brutus

http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j424/georgiagrower/Mobile%20Uploads/CAM00094.jpg (http://s1085.photobucket.com/user/georgiagrower/media/Mobile%20Uploads/CAM00094.jpg.html)

07-15-14, 11:22 PM
Brutus looks huge for not even being a year...what's their normal growth rate

EL Ziggy
07-15-14, 11:22 PM
My snakes' names are in my signature. I'm getting another bull snake soon so I'll be adding one more serpent. I also have a cat named Isis.

07-15-14, 11:32 PM
Currently I only have three animals. I'm graduating from college this year, so I'm waiting for that before getting any more. But I have Figment, my boa (female) and my two ferrets, Gadget (male) and Sonic (female, and named for the screwdriver, not the hedgehog).

I have had way too many animals in the past to list their names.

07-16-14, 12:11 AM
Hi! I'm new here. I recently acquired a red tail boa, about two years old. I named him Rumplestiltskin after one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite TV shows, Once Upon a Time.

In our house we also have two cats, Dely and Patches, and two dogs, Chika and Daisy, and a bunny, Mochi, all named by my kids. (don't worry, the bunny and snake are nowhere near each other lol)

Jim Smith
07-16-14, 06:40 AM
My Honduran Milk Snake's names are as follows:

Ghost female - Spirit
Extreme Hypo male - Drako
Tangerine hypo male - Vulcan
Ghost female - Luna
Hybino Tri-color female - Venus

Three pitbull terriers all female - Molly, Rose and Mandy

07-16-14, 07:13 AM
MY pets:

Kuno - male Doberman
Poki - male (I think) egyptian tortoise
Ava - female red-tailed hawk (not really a pet. possessed on a falconry permit)
??? - Soon to arrive male eastern indigo snake

Other pets technically belonging to wife and daughter:

Maizy - female mini schnauzer
Lyla - female amber corn snake
Bert - male amel corn snake
Soren Lorenson - Siamese fighting fish
Gi - male gerbil
Badger - female gerbil

07-16-14, 07:18 AM
Aela, Faendel, Lydia, Paarthunax, Vilkas... I'll stop now before I embarrass myself. Let's just say that I had a problem.

07-16-14, 08:26 AM
Boaz - Rosy Boa
Kahless - Normal Ball Python
Jasper - Okeetee Corn Snake
Rodney McKay - Harlequin Crested Gecko

Blue - my ancient 11 year old african cichlid
Mocha - my husband's hamster

07-16-14, 10:00 AM
Snake 1, snake 2, snake 3...... Can anyone figure out my pattern? Lol

07-16-14, 02:13 PM
Hi! I'm new here. I recently acquired a red tail boa, about two years old. I named him Rumplestiltskin after one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite TV shows, Once Upon a Time.

In our house we also have two cats, Dely and Patches, and two dogs, Chika and Daisy, and a bunny, Mochi, all named by my kids. (don't worry, the bunny and snake are nowhere near each other lol)


lol I have Ezio (BCI), Bindi (JCP), had Kera (IJCP), I have a cat named Sunny, a mini pug named Bella, and my brother has a turtle named Iggy. :) I have two new additions coming soon and need names, lol..

07-16-14, 03:22 PM
Cool thread! I replied to a similar thread on a different forum awhile ago so I can cut and paste that with just a few adjustments.

Snakes ...
Malcolm - Mandarin ratsnake (Firefly themed)
Inara - Mandarin ratsnake (Firefly themed)
Atari - Thai Bamboo ratsnake (was before we started the Firefly theme and it just popped into my head and I liked the sound of it)
Serenity - Thai Bamboo ratsnake (Firefly themed)
River - Thai Bamboo ratsnake (Firefly themed)
Vera - Broad Banded ratsnake (Firefly themed)
Jayne - Broad Banded ratsnake (Firefly themed)
Zoë - Brazilian Rainbow boa (Firefly themed)
Wash - Brazilian Rainbow boa (Firefly themed)
Kaylee - Brazilian Rainbow boa (Firefly themed)
Simon - Brazilian Rainbow boa (Firefly themed)
Niska - Tricolor Hognose (Firefly themed)
Iroh - Green Tree Python (ATLA themed)
Zuko - Amazon Tree boa (ATLA themed)
Mai - Amazon Tree boa (ATLA themed)
Atticus - Western Hognose (book series themed)
Indigo - African House snake (same book series as above)
Ukiah - African House snake (same book series as above)
Max - Tessera corn (same book series as above)
Tavia - Classic corn (was reading a bunch of books about the Roman Empire, it's short for Octavia but not for any particular character/person)
Vash - Phantom corn (based on two different book characters, one a dragon, the other a spy)
Stormy - Phantom corn (Just popped into my head and seemed to fit her)
Fiona - Honey corn (based on the Burn Notice character and a good fit for her personality)
Esme - Rosy boa (my Mom named her, based on an old movie, I think)
Sebastian - Rosy boa (based on a book series character)
Emma - Rosy boa (daughter to the two above, just popped into my head)
Smaug - Honduran milk (one of my husband's first two snakes and named for the Lord of the Rings dragon)
Viserion - (my husband's other first snake, named for a dragon in the Ice and Fire book series)

Omri - Kenyan Sand boa (Omri and Zimri are my two favorite Bible names and I'd been wanting to name a pair of something that forever but the female KSB I had, I got tired of her biting me every time I had to mess with her and ended up selling her) Edit. Also sold Omri a few months ago.

Geckos ...
Miami - Crested gecko (don't remember how he ended up named that but it set the theme for the rest of the cresteds)
Maui - Crested gecko (my Mom named her)
Cairo - Crested gecko (she was named that by the person I got her from and it fit with the theme I had going on)
Luxor - Crested gecko (I bought him with the intent to pair with Cairo, so found a town I liked the name of in Egypt to name him)
Sierra - Crested gecko (hold back keeper baby)
Gizmo - Gargoyle gecko (took about a year to come up with but it set the theme for the rest)
Gadget - Gargoyle gecko
Gauge - Gargoyle gecko
Glitch - Gargoyle gecko

Then various baby snakes and geckos to be sold that are unnamed.

The furry critters
Katara - Female black and white cat (ATLA themed)
Ivan - Male dilute orange cat (Based on the Vorkosigan book series)
Gregor - Male Russian blue colored cat (Based on the Vorkosigan book series)

Isabella - Female Chihuahua. Named by my Dad 11 years ago when every other female dog wasn't named some form of Bella)
Ty Lee - Female black and white Chihuahua puppy (ATLA themed)

07-16-14, 04:45 PM
I only have two pets right now as I live in a small duplex/apartment. They are named for their temperaments.

Daisy - Very sweet and docile costal rosy boa.
Pepper - Feisty young desert rosy who can't wait to get a piece of you. :)

07-16-14, 06:19 PM
The dogs have random names, and the Reptiles are all named after serial killers. Don't ask why, cause I'm not sure haha.

07-16-14, 06:39 PM
My 2 rats are named after fictional serial killers, Dexter and Kira. Idk why.
My snakes i used to not give names at all.. But since nobody (friends/family) knew which one i was talking about without having to give unnecessarily accurate descriptions, i just gave in and named them. I like Matching names, like Renji and Rukia. (both from same show and the characters even match the animals in color) Still unsure what i would name Xena's future mate though, perhaps Hercules or Ares.. My dog is named Senna, because i love that name and we had to find a sound she would respond to (we did not know her name)

07-16-14, 09:31 PM
Caution - male Jungle Carpet Python
Crescent - male blizzard Corn Snake
Trent - male German Shepherd Dog
Bree/Cheesecat/Pancake - female long haired fat cat
Raina/Squirrelcat/Weaselface/Zombie - female spazzy devil spawn cat

07-16-14, 11:31 PM
My dog's name is Sid and I'm still trying to come up with a name for the Costa Rican Boa that I'm getting tomorrow. Maybe Vince.

07-17-14, 09:05 AM
Many of my pets came with names and we tend to leave them.

Former pets:
Beau Justice - horse (Came with the name. Tennessee Walker, hence the...very southern name)
Chance - dog (Brittany-came with the name)
Kevin - cat (I don't even know, I was 14)
Vesta - cat (came with the name Venus, which caused my BIL to immediately say "rhymes with *****!" so she got another goddess name instead...damn it Mat)

I'm pretty sure I accidentally stuck my only current pet, the MBK, with the name Noodle. I didn't INTEND to stick him with a goofy name, but there you go. Noodle.

07-17-14, 10:01 AM
Albino Rat Snake - Cracka'

Florida Brooks King Snake - Stubbs. Broke 1/2 inch off of tail.

Albino Tangerine Honduran Milk Snake - Creamy

Brazilian Rainbow Boa - Rainman