View Full Version : Book Review: The Invisible Ark: In Defense of Captivity

07-14-14, 05:54 PM
The Invisible Ark: In Defense of Captivity
By David and Tracy Barker

I picked this up at a local reptile show expecting it to be a pro-keeper book that made the same arguments we've all heard before and thought ourselves. My expectations were blown away! The Barkers are very good writers, presenting clear, experienced, and well thought out opinions on the subject. For most readers, the book will present a philosophy and new ideas that PETA/HSUS will surely spend thousands of dollars trying to bury. I hope everyone who keeps animals, and especially those who keep herps will give it a read.

07-15-14, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the heads up! I'll check it out!

07-15-14, 12:06 PM
Is it published? I looked on Amazon and found nothing under the title or authors.

07-15-14, 04:54 PM
Amazon link (http://www.amazon.com/The-Invisible-Ark-Defense-Captivity/dp/0978541111/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1405464630&sr=8-1&keywords=invisible+ark) Author's page (http://vpi.com/store)

07-18-14, 01:46 PM
I picked it up from Dave and Tracy directly, they even signed my copy. Fantastic book all around. I very highly recommend it.