View Full Version : Why do my snakes 'like' my face?

07-11-14, 08:12 PM
Every time I have my snakes out, they reach toward my face and try to climb all over my head. I think it could possibly be because we put off more heat from our heads, or that my hair looks like something they could hide in. Just think its kinda interesting, and wondered if anyone else experiences this with their snakes?

Ps- I know they don't really 'like' anything, which is why I used the punctuation around like, but I couldn't really think of a better term for it. :P

07-11-14, 08:23 PM
Nearly all of our snakes are also attracted to my face and especially hair, as well. I've always just figured the hair looks like a great place to hide. Sat and played with some of my corn hatchlings yesterday and one and all, they made a beeline for my face and tried to get to my hair.

07-11-14, 08:33 PM
I think they like to climb and your head is the highest point of the thing holding them. Plus it give them a better view.

07-11-14, 09:30 PM
Lol all my snakes love my head too. When Kera was alive, I'd have 7 feet of snake all over my head and trying to balance on my glasses lol. :)

07-12-14, 05:20 PM
they may like your face... but mine dont like spicy food breath haha, hot sauce = retic repellent :P