View Full Version : Gone so long

07-06-14, 08:26 PM
I was gone so long I figured I would re introduce myself but now I am living in Florida and am looking to find some fellow herpers in the rotunda Sarasota area. I also have my two BCL's but also have 4 corn snakes as well. I will repost pics as I go because it in a pain in the butt to do from my iPad

EL Ziggy
07-06-14, 09:25 PM
Welcome back Bryan. Best wishes.

07-06-14, 10:36 PM
I remember you bryan. Welcome back. So... from the tri - state area to Florida huh?
... original

What was it like moving your snakes that far? People always ask about that.

07-07-14, 09:15 PM
They are being baby sat till end of July I will let you know then.