View Full Version : First Texas Rat snake

07-02-14, 08:55 AM
Went road cruising last night and found my first live Texas Rat Snake. Fiesty little guy lol. Sorry for the blurry pics! There was a car coming from behind me and I was in a hurry. Had to get him off the road and move out of the way. It was cool to have one in my hands instead of DOR.

http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy177/midgetzombiekiller/20140701_211839_zpsntgobo4b.jpg (http://s789.photobucket.com/user/midgetzombiekiller/media/20140701_211839_zpsntgobo4b.jpg.html)

http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy177/midgetzombiekiller/20140701_211830_zpsfdtrmlon.jpg (http://s789.photobucket.com/user/midgetzombiekiller/media/20140701_211830_zpsfdtrmlon.jpg.html)

07-02-14, 11:00 AM
Very nice find! Texas Rats are one of my favorites.

07-02-14, 11:10 AM
Very nice find! Texas Rats are one of my favorites.

Very cool snake! More temperamental than Black Rat snakes that Iv'e caught in the past. I picked him up, and a first very he was chilled then he christened me with musk, and tried to eat me lol Beautiful patterns.