View Full Version : Advice for a tub-defensive retic?

06-22-14, 11:16 PM
Hey guys...I'm back haha. Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you had a good idea of how to safely (and minimally stressful for my snake) handle a tub defensive retic? I started a thread a few months back because she was not eating, but ever since I got her eating again (she eats like a champ now) she's been kinda crazy when I try to get her out of her tub. Just always ready to strike (and sometimes she does) when I go in there. I don't want to stress her out but I need to establish trust and get her calmed down before she gets big and can do real damage. Just looking for any tips from those who have had similar problems with their baby retics...mainly tips on how to get her out as safely as possible. I have been going in first with a hook, to try to start my "tap training" and she doesn't strike at first but as soon as I try to pull her out of her tub, she loses it haha. Any tips/advice would be awesome! Thanks!

06-23-14, 10:14 AM
Hook trainijg is really the only way. I use a hook to get the back end out, and then grab them. Once out, puppy dog tame.

Also, some babies are just nippy. Typically the mellow out.

06-23-14, 10:17 AM
I would just about guarantee that it's not defensive, just showing typical retic feed response. Start tap training. Every time you bring her out or go in her enclosure, tap her with something. When you feed her, don't tap. Eventually she will learn that being tapped means she's not getting fed. It's actually pretty amazing to see them "turn off".

06-23-14, 10:24 AM
^That's what I thought, typical retic response, she is still in feeding mode going to get her out

06-23-14, 03:26 PM
Hook train. Probably just a feed response. If you can get a video we can give you a better idea.

06-23-14, 03:50 PM
Hook trainijg is really the only way. I use a hook to get the back end out, and then grab them. Once out, puppy dog tame.

Also, some babies are just nippy. Typically the mellow out.

I would just about guarantee that it's not defensive, just showing typical retic feed response. Start tap training. Every time you bring her out or go in her enclosure, tap her with something. When you feed her, don't tap. Eventually she will learn that being tapped means she's not getting fed. It's actually pretty amazing to see them "turn off".

Oh ok that makes sense. This is my first retic so I'm getting used to how they act. She has an even more aggressive feeding response then my Green tree pythons! Well, maybe not more aggressive but I can at least tell when they are in full on dinner mode...with my retic one moment she will be exploring around the cage and the next ill open in and she'll just start striking haha. I fed her last night so hopefully she won't be as hungry when I try to get her out tomorrow.

Oh and i've already seen tap training work! completely changes my red tail's attitude when I rub him on the head before taking him out...but I've had him for 2 years so he's gotten used to tap training.

06-23-14, 04:03 PM
Perseverance mate, just keep tap training. Some of my youngsters are snappy little sods but once out the rubs they calm down, but I always 'tap' first no matter what I'm doing with them. Saying that my little lav caught me this morning LOL!

06-23-14, 08:58 PM
Perseverance mate, just keep tap training. Some of my youngsters are snappy little sods but once out the rubs they calm down, but I always 'tap' first no matter what I'm doing with them. Saying that my little lav caught me this morning LOL!

yeah I'm just going to keep at it. Just was worried about stressing her out and her not eating for me..again lol

06-23-14, 09:13 PM
Also, it might be a lot to do with her feeding response but, I also know she is scared because the other day when I took her out she musted all over my hand lol. Also, every time I hook her out of her tub she's alright but as soon as i touch her with my hand ..she freaks out

06-24-14, 07:20 AM
Also, it might be a lot to do with her feeding response but, I also know she is scared because the other day when I took her out she musted all over my hand lol. Also, every time I hook her out of her tub she's alright but as soon as i touch her with my hand ..she freaks out
Don't touch her, let her touch you first. Let her climb up your hand from the hook. She as to realize that this big warm thing is not going to eat me. I had a Coastal Jag that if i touch her first she freak but let her climb onto me and
she was be fine. After a few months i could pick her up without a hook.

06-24-14, 11:49 AM
Don't touch her, let her touch you first. Let her climb up your hand from the hook. She as to realize that this big warm thing is not going to eat me. I had a Coastal Jag that if i touch her first she freak but let her climb onto me and
she was be fine. After a few months i could pick her up without a hook.

Doesn't always work. I've got some that don't calm down until I place my hand on them but I ALWAYS have to get them out with a hook or I risk getting bit. If I leave them on the hook they just stress out.

06-24-14, 03:32 PM
Don't touch her, let her touch you first. Let her climb up your hand from the hook. She as to realize that this big warm thing is not going to eat me. I had a Coastal Jag that if i touch her first she freak but let her climb onto me and
she was be fine. After a few months i could pick her up without a hook.

I've considered trying this, I'm just nervous cause she's pretty flighty right now and I don't know if she'd crawl up towards me instead of making a run for it haha.

Doesn't always work. I've got some that don't calm down until I place my hand on them but I ALWAYS have to get them out with a hook or I risk getting bit. If I leave them on the hook they just stress out.

She's definitely the opposite..as soon as I grab her she loses it and tries to bolt at first and then when she realizes she can't get away she turns and tries to get me lol

06-24-14, 10:46 PM
Not sure if you've been tagged yet, but it honestly doesn't hurt.

This was done by my little retic, and to be honest, if I hadn't seen it, I may not of known that it happend.

http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w662/aaron_gibson2/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/aaron_gibson2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg.html)

06-25-14, 06:22 AM
Not sure if you've been tagged yet, but it honestly doesn't hurt.

This was done by my little retic, and to be honest, if I hadn't seen it, I may not of known that it happend.

http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w662/aaron_gibson2/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/aaron_gibson2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg.html)

Lol the key word here was LITTLE, if your going to be bitten now is the stage you want in to be done in,I've been lucky thus far to have not been tagged by mine but im sure that day is coming

06-25-14, 06:49 AM
Oh yeah, once they get big, it's no fun. Here's one of the worst I have seen...

****high def extreme bite damage pics inside no kids no snacking while viewing**** (http://burmjunkies.com/showthread.php?7467-****high-def-extreme-bite-damage-pics-inside-no-kids-no-snacking-while-viewing****)

06-25-14, 07:23 AM
Oh yeah, once they get big, it's no fun. Here's one of the worst I have seen...

****high def extreme bite damage pics inside no kids no snacking while viewing**** (http://burmjunkies.com/showthread.php?7467-****high-def-extreme-bite-damage-pics-inside-no-kids-no-snacking-while-viewing****)

Yeah I remember that post, and he said it let go right away, imagine if he had latched on and took that dude for a ride what that outcome might have looked like, yeah no thanks ill pass on that

06-25-14, 03:00 PM
Not sure if you've been tagged yet, but it honestly doesn't hurt.

This was done by my little retic, and to be honest, if I hadn't seen it, I may not of known that it happend.

http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w662/aaron_gibson2/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/aaron_gibson2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140623_145004_zpstsetwhu3.jpg.html)

Fortunately, I have not been tagged by her YET. But given her recent attitude, I'm guess my time is coming. But as others have said, I want to get this out of the way now while there aren't any real consequences so she's not aggressive towards me when she can do real damage

Oh yeah, once they get big, it's no fun. Here's one of the worst I have seen...

****high def extreme bite damage pics inside no kids no snacking while viewing**** (http://burmjunkies.com/showthread.php?7467-****high-def-extreme-bite-damage-pics-inside-no-kids-no-snacking-while-viewing****)

yeah, I saw this post awhile ago when it was posted. It made me glad I don't have a male. Also, when I KNOW my large snakes don't want to be messed wit that day..unless it is an emergency I just leave them alone and try again tomorrow. I never push them. I feel like that guy pushed his luck and paid for it.

06-25-14, 09:19 PM
He did, and he self admitly said that. As far as getting tagged and getting it out of the way, I wouldn't recommend that. I personally am more worried about them.