View Full Version : Conflicting advice. HELP!

06-21-14, 11:05 AM
Hey everybody I'm in a bit of a pickle. So I'm due to get my corn snake by next week or the week after and I have had a lot of conflicting advice that I thought you guys could help me with. From the research I have done Ive been told that your supposed to feed your baby Corn Snake pinkies every 5 days, should keep them in a smallish vivarium until they are about 6-12 months old and that they should have a hide in both heated and cool sides of the tank & a hide in the middle of the vivarium that covers both heated side and cool side. But today I went into the pet store and the worker there told me that she feeds her Corn Snakes every 3 days and sometimes she feeds them more then one mouse, that one of her Corn Snakes is 6 ft but lives in a 4ft long vivarium and that they don't need a lot of hides just one in the cool area and abit of artificial plants so I really don't know what to think now? Especially when it comes to the feeding because I read that Corn Snakes are prone to obesity. Help?

06-21-14, 11:11 AM
What you said first is preferred, every 3 days seems a bit much to me. You should have at least 2 hides and some corns like to burrow. Tank size isn't too big of an issue as long as the snake has plenty of cover and hides to feel secure :)

06-21-14, 11:40 AM
Definitely don't listen to what the pet shop suggested. Every 3 days is too often. you'll end up over feeding. Plus you would never get to handle your snake. i would go with your first thought of every 5 days to start. Tank size isn't too much of an issue so long as you have a hide at both hot and cool ends. if you do go for a bigger tank i would definitely fill it out with more hides and cover as this will be a lot less stressful for your snake.

Good luck. Look forward to pics.

EL Ziggy
06-21-14, 11:44 AM
Welcome to the forum nova. I feed my colubrid hatchlings 1-2 pinks every 5 days. The Munson feeding plan for corns is a pretty good reference point for hatchlings and juveniles. I also agree that at least 2 hides should be provided and to make sure your heat source is controlled by a thermostat. I think it's perfectly fine to start a hatchling in an adult sized enclosure as long as you provide plenty of hides and lots of cover. Best wishes with your corn.

06-21-14, 03:42 PM
Thanks a bunch everyone for the help! I feel much more secure about what needs to be done to look after him/her now.

06-21-14, 03:58 PM
An enclosure cannot be too be unless it isn't properly filled with hides and cover. You can use pretty much anything for cover, too. I like cardboard tubes for low humidity enclosures. For cover, I'll lay out paper towels or strips of newspaper over things, to simulate something like leaf litter.

All that being said, you don't have to go out and buy a huge enclosure. A baby corn snake will be very happy in a 20 gallon tank or similarly sized plastic tub.

06-21-14, 06:12 PM
An enclosure cannot be too be unless it isn't properly filled with hides and cover. You can use pretty much anything for cover, too. I like cardboard tubes for low humidity enclosures. For cover, I'll lay out paper towels or strips of newspaper over things, to simulate something like leaf litter.

All that being said, you don't have to go out and buy a huge enclosure. A baby corn snake will be very happy in a 20 gallon tank or similarly sized plastic tub.

Yeah the enclosure I'm getting for my baby corn is 39x26x16.5cm and I already have 3 hides so I'm sure he/she will feel pretty secure (hopefully) but thanks a lot for the advice I'll bear all that in mind

06-21-14, 07:02 PM
3 hides should be great!

06-21-14, 07:12 PM
In an enclosure that size i would also use some sort of bedding in which they can burrow into(pretty much anything besides paper substrate). The bedding will also act as a hide.

06-21-14, 07:58 PM
I use newspaper as bedding for most of my snakes, with my Juvenile corn being one of the exceptions. I use Aspen and find that 99% of the time he is burrowed under the Aspen rather than in a hide. I would still include them as you were, but you might try Aspen at first as well and see how it goes. Just my 2 cents.

06-21-14, 09:07 PM
In an enclosure that size i would also use some sort of bedding in which they can burrow into(pretty much anything besides paper substrate). The bedding will also act as a hide.

My snakes will burrow under paper towels. I don't know if there is a psychological difference, though

06-21-14, 09:29 PM
My snakes will burrow under paper towels. I don't know if there is a psychological difference, though

Bedding is probably more secure. They get more coverage.

06-22-14, 05:49 AM
In an enclosure that size i would also use some sort of bedding in which they can burrow into(pretty much anything besides paper substrate). The bedding will also act as a hide.

Yeah I've got aspen as the substrate as I know they like to bury in it and it's pretty easy to spot clean/clean out

06-22-14, 10:35 AM
Welcome to the forum nova. I feed my colubrid hatchlings 1-2 pinks every 5 days. The Munson feeding plan for corns is a pretty good reference point for hatchlings and juveniles. I also agree that at least 2 hides should be provided and to make sure your heat source is controlled by a thermostat. I think it's perfectly fine to start a hatchling in an adult sized enclosure as long as you provide plenty of hides and lots of cover. Best wishes with your corn.

I agree with EZ's comments. I will be housing a hatchling eastern king snake in a 48 in wide, 24 inch deep, 15 inch tall enclosure. Plenty of cover is the key. And a thermostat controlled heat source is a must. Welcome btw! Keep us posted.

06-22-14, 01:19 PM
I agree with EZ's comments. I will be housing a hatchling eastern king snake in a 48 in wide, 24 inch deep, 15 inch tall enclosure. Plenty of cover is the key. And a thermostat controlled heat source is a must. Welcome btw! Keep us posted.

I've ordered a Habistat thermostat to keep my heat mat in check and I've been told they're the best brand. Thank you will do!

06-22-14, 02:46 PM
I've ordered a Habistat thermostat to keep my heat mat in check and I've been told they're the best brand. Thank you will do!

Awesome! Can't wait to see pics!! :)