View Full Version : Dumerils Boas

06-20-14, 06:53 AM
It is Breeding Season for Dumerils here in South Africa now.

My pair have locked, so the long wait begins for babies in February.

http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/IMG-20140614-00663_zps3d2829f0.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/IMG-20140614-00663_zps3d2829f0.jpg.html)

06-20-14, 02:02 PM
Great news, Frisky -- good luck!

06-20-14, 03:13 PM
Hope you get some nice healthy eggs from that

06-20-14, 03:27 PM
Good Luck :)

06-23-14, 03:14 AM
Thank You All, they are a seven year old pair, but have not been overly successful when it comes to breeding. I bred them for the first time at 4 years old and got 13 Slugs. Bred them again at 5 years old and got 1 live baby, 7 dead babies and 6 slugs. Bred them again at 6 years old and got 2 live babies, 1 dead baby and 7 slugs. Did not breed them at 7 years old, and am now trying them again at 8 years old.
Just a side note, they give birth to live young, and do not lay eggs.

08-11-14, 02:22 PM
What are the signs of a Dumeril Boa is going into labour?

08-29-14, 03:14 AM
Whoohoo, it definitely looks like the lock was positive. In the lock pics, the male is actually the fatter of the two.
Here are some pics of the female definitely showing signs of gravidity.

http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/20140814_171928_zpsd6728adc.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/20140814_171928_zpsd6728adc.jpg.html)

http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/20140814_171908_zpsf00c30fa.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/20140814_171908_zpsf00c30fa.jpg.html)

Signs of wanting to give birth would be a general restlessness, indicated by the female roaming the enclosure and the whole body mass seeming to have moved down to the Cloaka, excuse spelling.

08-29-14, 02:12 PM
Congrats again, Frisky!

08-31-14, 05:35 AM
Thanks Cliff, what I am going to do is take another pic tomorrow, it being the 1st of September, and then I will take update pics on the 1st of each successive month, and post here, to create a photographic history of progress until she gives birth.

09-02-14, 01:58 PM
*Great* idea -- I look forward to the series!

09-02-14, 08:56 PM
How big are the adults? Looking forward to updates

09-03-14, 03:40 AM
The adults are around the 5,5 to 6 foot mark.
I will try to remember to take the pics tonight, for the series.

EL Ziggy
09-03-14, 08:52 AM
Best wishes Frisky!

09-08-14, 03:39 AM
Thank You All, I got my lazy rear end into motion this passed weekend and took a pic of the girl.

http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/20140904_165535_zps3d1e36f6.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/20140904_165535_zps3d1e36f6.jpg.html)

I have also noticed that she will rather lay with her body sort of folded in half now, than with the lower half curled as in the previous pic.

I really hope that this is happening.

09-09-14, 02:08 PM
Nice!!! :-)

09-14-14, 06:45 AM
I was doing some work in the snake room yesterday and just had to take a pic.

http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/20140912_175320_zps05e9d48b.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/20140912_175320_zps05e9d48b.jpg.html)

02-10-15, 04:58 AM
Big Girl decided to give birth on Saturday 07 February 2015.
The results were pretty disapointing.
14 Slugs, 5 Live of which 2 have died and a third might not make it.

The one that might not make it has a piece of umbilical which seems to have caused a rupture in the belly. I am trying to treat as best I can, but only time will tell.

Some Pics.

Birthing Starts
http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/DSC_0085_zpsdju1ikko.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/DSC_0085_zpsdju1ikko.jpg.html)

Baby 1
http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/DSC_0084_zpsc4r2kjuh.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/DSC_0084_zpsc4r2kjuh.jpg.html)

Baby 2
http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/DSC_0086_zpsgusyhmk8.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/DSC_0086_zpsgusyhmk8.jpg.html)

Baby 3 with bad umbilical
http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii33/rolandslf/DSC_0088_zpsbwloqxwv.jpg (http://s260.photobucket.com/user/rolandslf/media/DSC_0088_zpsbwloqxwv.jpg.html)

02-10-15, 02:28 PM
Congrats on the three that made it. Be sure to keep the cord moist so it has time to absorb as much of the egg sag as possible.

02-10-15, 02:42 PM
Thank You All, they are a seven year old pair, but have not been overly successful when it comes to breeding. I bred them for the first time at 4 years old and got 13 Slugs. Bred them again at 5 years old and got 1 live baby, 7 dead babies and 6 slugs. Bred them again at 6 years old and got 2 live babies, 1 dead baby and 7 slugs. Did not breed them at 7 years old, and am now trying them again at 8 years old.
Just a side note, they give birth to live young, and do not lay eggs.

You do know that you are suppose to give them every other years off. This could be part of the problem. If you get babies you should wait a year to breed again to give them time to gain weight and rest. Being they go 8 months gravid they need the extra rest. I have a buddy who's been breeding them for years and he breeds half of his females one year the other the next. He loaned me a first time female last year to put with my male. We got 14 perfect healthy babies. Also if he has had them together for breeding and didn't get babies he still give them a year off.

Plus he never breeds until they are 5 to 6 years of age. He has found it makes a big difference in the number of healthy baby to slugs or still born. last year he end up with over 150 healthy babies and only two still born and one slug.

02-11-15, 05:14 AM
You are correct Chuck, I gave them year 7 off and bred them in year 8, with not much better results. Some good news though, Baby 3 shed last night and has completely absorbed the Umbilical. The belly slit also looks closed. So I think I can safely say that I have my best result ever. 3 live Babies.

I will not breed her in the coming season, but in next years breeding season, I am getting another male on a Breeding Loan, to prove out the fact that the problem lays with my current male.

02-15-15, 12:32 PM
You are correct Chuck, I gave them year 7 off and bred them in year 8, with not much better results. Some good news though, Baby 3 shed last night and has completely absorbed the Umbilical. The belly slit also looks closed. So I think I can safely say that I have my best result ever. 3 live Babies.

I will not breed her in the coming season, but in next years breeding season, I am getting another male on a Breeding Loan, to prove out the fact that the problem lays with my current male.

I hope it works out for you. From the sound of it i think it might be the male that's the problem to.