View Full Version : Defecated calcium hard as marble

06-17-14, 07:07 PM
Hi all....
Just wanna ask is it normal for a Borneo to defecate calcium marble? Why I said marble is that when I pick up the calcium ball and put it on a ceramic tile it produce a "ting" sound on impact.
My experience with retic, I usually get dried custard calcium cake.

06-17-14, 07:10 PM
...my guess is that something in the stomach mushed the calcium together and it dried to harden... I'm probably wrong though lol

06-17-14, 07:47 PM
Here it is, still unwashed.
Washing the slime off at the sink and slip off my hand, it does give a hard stone drop sound lol...

06-17-14, 07:50 PM
These are urates. Snakes urine is crystallized. Or at least boas and pythons urine is.

06-17-14, 08:11 PM
These are urates. Snakes urine is crystallized. Or at least boas and pythons urine is.

Crystallize meaning I can polished it to "lucky" gem stone? :blink:

Last week she did urinate the her towel wet heeewwww the smell! Soaking with detergent cant rid it off but bleach did.

06-17-14, 08:19 PM
Crystallize meaning I can polished it to "lucky" gem stone? :blink:

Yep. That's part of keeping snakes, it's part of the hobby.
Last week she did urinate the her towel wet heeewwww the smell! Soaking with detergent cant rid it off but bleach did.

Yeah they usually release some liquids as well.

06-17-14, 10:36 PM
Cant find much about crystallize snake urine but this 4 years old post on corn snake...

Customer: replied 4 years ago.
yes she has pooped since she last fed . but in small amounts and her urine was cristalised . the temp in her tank is 90 f in hot side,
Expert: Anna replied 4 years ago.
Thank you for getting back to me. Your snake is going to need to be seen by a reptile vet. The combination of symptoms you're seeing is very serious. Sometimes being a bit chilly can cause digestive problems, but your temperature is warm enough. I'm going to give you a first aid measure to take, but it won't replace a trip to the vet. You're on the right track with baths, but there's a way to make them even better. Buy some Pedialyte (yes, the kind for human infants), and prepare a shallow warm(90*) bath consisting of 1/2 water and 1/2 Pedialyte. Soak your snake for about 20 to 30 minutes. After the first 10 minutes, with her still in the water, gently massage her underside from front to vent for an additional 10 minutes. That may be enough to help her pass some feces. Be sure to supervise closely.

Your snake may have parasites or a bacterial infection. The swollen belly and crystallized urine are particularly worrisome. There isn't going to be a home remedy that will cure this problem.

I am wondering if this "crystallized urine" referred to grain/bead size crystal or thumb size like mine?

06-18-14, 12:24 AM
They are called urates.

06-18-14, 03:28 AM
Your over thinking things I think atm mate... Take it as it's urates unless other problems arise.