View Full Version : hog island help!!

06-17-14, 04:32 PM
Ok so ive been researching on hog island boas for weeks and i really want one and ive read they dont need any uv light just a heat pad or basking lamp im going with a heat pad but with the pad it wont produce light like a lamp would so how would i go as having the tank not dark and depressing?

06-18-14, 01:49 AM
Just install a small fluorescent light. I only have two cages that have lights and I never use them. I just turn the room light on in the morning and off at night.

06-18-14, 08:16 AM
Thank u!!!

EL Ziggy
06-18-14, 08:34 AM
Will the snake get any natural sunlight? That's all the light my snakes get during the day. I just open the blinds in the room.