View Full Version : Boaphile Racks

02-12-03, 09:44 PM
I am interested in purchasing a rack system from Boaphile Plastics, and I have one concern, the heat tape is mounted on the back wall, which I am sure is alright for certain snakes, but I intend to put ball pythons in it. Will the heat tape allow for proper thermoregulation for a ball python? Just curious if any of you out there have one of these rack systems, or have any advice or concerns regarding this system, I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks.

02-12-03, 10:01 PM
Not only is it mounted int he back, but it is myunderstanding that it is permantly mounted between 2 sheets of plastic. SO if it goes bad, it cannot be replaced. I dont care for their racks. I know that Precision is coming out with one soon. I will wait for that.

02-13-03, 08:53 AM
I have also wondered about there racks they look good on the website. I have also depated on buying a cage from them. I would just like to see one first. I also agree with BWSmith if the heat tape can't be replaced that doesn't sound very good.

02-13-03, 09:40 AM
I do want to make clear that this is just my understanding. I have not contacted Boaphile to find out first hand. Personally, I found my brand of cages, Precision. I just couldnt get past the hinges and heat retention on Boaphiles. But people swear by both.

Them and Us
02-14-03, 10:03 AM
you could always try buildinga rack. usually where you get the lumber from will cut to your exact specifications. unless you want something routed out. they don't rout. you could us melamine or some other pressboard.

02-14-03, 01:01 PM
Fter looking online for a rack that meets my expectations, I 've decided to build my own. I'm going to use 3/4' mdf, and 11' flexwatt, I'll post picks when I'm all done. Thank you all for your advice.