View Full Version : Dekay's Brown Snake

06-15-14, 01:18 PM
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site. I had been looking around for a good snake forum, and this seemed like a good active one. I am completely new to snakes. The only thing I knew about them prior to just a few days ago was which ones to stay away from here in my home state of NC.

I was recently doing some yard work a few days ago and noticed a crow chasing something in my front yard. So I walked over to see, and notice it was a small rust colored snake. I shoo'd the bird away and slid the snake into a container and brought it inside. After doing some research I determined it is most likely a Dekay's. I have now moved it into a 10g aquarium and placed a water bowl, hide cave, basking rock, and some fake vine plants that are suctioned to the walls for climbing. The snake appears to be warming up to me.

I have always wanted a snake but could not convince the wife to let me get one. But since I rescued this one from being eaten my wife has allowed me to keep it. I am also thinking it may be a she, and that she may be pregnant, her head and first bit of the neck start out very skinny, and the entire rest of the body is very fat almost all the way down to the tail tip. Also, when trying to catch her, she was actually striking at me and being very defensive. What I have read leads me to believe this is very unusual behavior for a Dekay's as they are usually very timid and docile.

Any information anyone could offer on feeding, temperatures, humidity, how to better tell if it is pregnant, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I have really grown fond of her and she seems to be warming up to me now, she will sit at the top of one of the vines and stare at me for hours now without getting angry or trying to hide. Thanks in advance! :blink:

06-15-14, 11:29 PM
Bumpity bump bump. :D

06-16-14, 01:38 AM
Hey and Welcome. If you post pics people will be able to tell you exactly what you are dealing with and give you the exact advice you need :)

06-16-14, 05:51 AM
I think the first step is being sure it's a Dekay's.

06-16-14, 07:20 AM
Yes, photos please!

06-16-14, 08:05 AM
Yep, pics!

06-16-14, 08:11 AM
Ok, not a problem at all. Here of some pics of her. She is such a dark reddish brown you may not see it very well, but she does have a lighter colored stripe down the center of her back, and on each side of the stripe a row of black dots that almost appear to be a stripe as well if not looking closely.

06-16-14, 08:33 AM
Yes that is a Storeria dekayi, It's hard to tell in the photos, if it's a boy it will be 12 inches or less and very slender. If it's a female it will top out at around 18 inches and be quite plump compared to a male. (about the diameter of a girls pinkie finger)

primary diet is slugs, snails and worms.

If she is pregnant, expect from 20-40 live born very tiny babies, that are a real challenge to feed. I have raised 3 litters of dekayi and 1 litter of red belly snakes (Storeria occipitomaculata) and it's NOT easy.... you will have to go out early every morning and forrage for baby slugs to feed them.

dekayi snakes are awesome for pets, as they really don't seem to mind humans too much.

06-16-14, 08:35 AM
Hello and welcome. Nice find!

06-16-14, 08:38 AM
Oh ok, thanks! I couldn't get a good measure, but the one I got was close to about 15 inches. We luckily have an excess of slugs around my house as well as small snails. Is there any way to tell if she is pregnant or not? Any types of behaviors to look for? Also, I notice almost all of the pictures I have seen of the Dekay's online have been a much lighter brown color, I didn't really see any that looked like her, but I did read there was a crimson color Dekay? Is this what she is, or is there even color variation names for Dekay's like with other snakes?

06-16-14, 08:39 AM
Great pics. Good looking little thing, nice find.

06-16-14, 08:40 AM
Hello and welcome. Nice find!

Thank you!

06-16-14, 09:24 AM
Beautiful snake! Nice find!

06-16-14, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the compliments everyone!

06-16-14, 10:20 AM
I agree that it IS a Dekay's, but I also agree with you that it's coloring is unusual. At least, I've never seen one exactly like that down here in AL. All of the ones I've seen have been a lighter brown with more evident patterning. Good luck with her.