View Full Version : She looks dehydrated

06-08-14, 10:23 PM
Of the two boas I just got last week, the albino looks to be dehydrated. I've never had a dehydrated snake before so maybe I'm wrong, but she looks wrinkled in appearance and never moves from her hiding spot. The ghost looks great with no loose skin and is moving around the tank quite a bit and has much better muscle tone. I've soaked her in lukewarm water twice because I was worried about her and they did both eat today so that's good. What do you guys think? The picture below is from when she was delivered here, I didn't want to stress her out by pulling her out unnecessarily for pictures. She has several folds by her throat and anywhere her body wraps around something. The male looks very good.

06-08-14, 10:42 PM
She might just be going into shed. My juvenile dumeril's boa gets the same wrinkles around her neck just before a shed, and she doesn't leave her hide as well.

06-08-14, 11:25 PM
I'd thought about her maybe shedding but since I didn't know when she'd shed last exactly I just wanted to be safe. I'm so relieved she ate, I always worry about new babies not eating!

06-09-14, 08:56 AM
Just make sure she has access to water, and everything will be ok. Even you want to be extra cautious, give her a bowl big enough to soak in.

06-09-14, 09:19 AM
boas are not very active snakes. All my boids spend most of their time in one spot, and usually only come out at night. I wouldn't worry too much. Just provide fresh water, food, hides and you're good to go! I would only start worrying when obvious problems arise(not feeding, losing weight..etc)

06-09-14, 01:09 PM
My Sunglow had a similar problem, fixed it by increasing the humidity and it never came back.

06-15-14, 08:11 AM
Yea bump up the humidity. Looks fine to me though for the most part.

06-15-14, 11:15 PM
She shed a few days ago and just ate again today but she still looks pretty wrinkly compared to the boy. The humidity sits at 59 but I bumped it up to 75 for tonight and hope that helps. She's very calm natured but took the fuzzy with gusto so she seems to be doing well. I take a few pictures in a couple of days to give you guys a better idea.