View Full Version : Saving the Columbian Rainbow Boa

06-03-14, 12:08 PM
Ok well the picture are not that great...i dont have a camera so i used my iphone 5S. It is also raining outside so I'm waiting to take the pictures outside but here is one of the snake and its temporary enclosure until its Hannahs. Thank you for committing to this snake! i wanted to wait a while to hold it but its been so active i thought id give it a shot and no strike at all!!

06-03-14, 04:43 PM
That's a pretty unique pattern. I've never seen the circles connect and form a stripe like that.

06-03-14, 04:45 PM
Well sir you have done a good deed for this little Columbian :)

06-03-14, 05:38 PM
Crazy gorgeous, I can't wait. :) best of luck with him for now, keep us updated with pics :D (or at least me ;P)

06-04-14, 07:39 AM
That's a pretty unique pattern. I've never seen the circles connect and form a stripe like that.

Yeah that's true I never have either ! Maybe a genetic stripe in the making?!?!? Haha

06-04-14, 07:41 AM
Well sir you have done a good deed for this little Columbian :)

Thanks ! I wAs happy I did it. I've owner many snakes before but living in a form for 3 going on 4 straight years I've missed owning them. So it's a win for the snake and a win for me to care for it till I leave

06-04-14, 02:42 PM
Congrats on the attractive new arrival! (Not that there's any such thing as a bad-looking rainbow...lol) Love the back patterns, too!

06-04-14, 06:10 PM
Nice little CRB, I think these guys are really underrated. That back stripe looks like it could be something special, very interesting. :p

06-04-14, 06:55 PM
Congrats on the brb!

06-04-14, 07:21 PM
Sharp looking CRB.

06-04-14, 07:28 PM
So I know I only got the snake Monday but I thought id go ahead and try feeding. The snake took it right off the tongs and never looked back. I can tell he's enjoying his time in his new tub compared to the reptile store lol

06-05-14, 07:20 PM
Looking great, it's in great hands. :)

06-10-14, 12:58 PM
So just a little update. The boa shed about 4 days after it's meal and all in one piece ! I was actually surprised it did so well ! He/she is such a roamer in my hands now I love it and I finally got to see how it looked with fresh scales !

06-10-14, 12:59 PM
Here is a picture of how active he can be

06-10-14, 01:00 PM
And here is his shed! I was able to see where the eyes were and everything

06-10-14, 01:02 PM
And here is his shed! I was able to see where the eyes were and everything

Great news! Looking great! Good Job!

06-10-14, 01:12 PM
Thank you!

06-10-14, 02:58 PM
So awesome, super iridescent :D

06-19-14, 03:06 PM
Gorgeous! A BRB is definitely on my wish list!

06-19-14, 03:25 PM
So awesome, super iridescent :D

Your going to be very lucky my to get this guy :D

06-19-14, 03:45 PM
Sweet little crb mate! My brbs back circles are joined but not to the extent of what this little guy has.. Nice :)

06-20-14, 06:15 AM
Who knows maybe it's a genetic stripe in the making :p

06-20-14, 09:25 AM
Your going to be very lucky my to get this guy :D

I know, super excited :D

07-07-14, 05:21 AM
quick update....the CRB has been feeding really well and tolerates handling now without any problems. She has been acting strange lately and burying under her bedding. She likes to put her body under the water bowl. I didnt have an opportunity to feed her this last week but plan to today. The temps on the cool side range from 77.2-79.8 and on the hot side are 87.4-89.7 and i mist three times a day so i dont think thats an issue. anybody experience this with their rainbow boas?

07-07-14, 05:42 AM
Nothing to worry about just normal behavior for Rainbows.

07-07-14, 10:43 AM
Yep! My BRB goes under the water bowl all the time. Also with babies, BRBs, burrow more (because in the wild its more protection).

07-07-14, 11:39 AM
Ok thanks guy! Just wanted to see what others thought about it. also it makes sense now because she was in pre-shed. Her eyes today just became cloudy and she started about 3 days ago so it makes sense. Her bedding stays damp for humidity so it was probably just helping herself out

07-07-14, 11:49 AM
Post pics after she sheds. :D

07-07-14, 12:20 PM
Congrats on the little baby!

I have a girl that has the same back patterns. Wonder if she has the genes for strips. That's what I plan on figuring out in a few years.

07-09-14, 06:25 PM
The temps on the cool side range from 77.2-79.8 and on the hot side are 87.4-89.7 and i mist three times a day so i dont think thats an issue.

I occasionally see my columbians try to burrow, I personally would lower your hot side temps to around 85. I keep my basking spot at 84 and mine rarely use it, they're almost always in their cool hides.