View Full Version : New girl from KY

06-02-14, 07:20 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Ashley and about three days ago I bought my first Brazilian Rainbow Boa. He was what I planned on getting and to be honest I
Didn't even know they existed, but the gorgeous pattern and color stole my
Heart the second I saw him. Silas (I'm not sure if I will stick with this name or not) has been very shy the last couple of days just hiding out underneath piles of aspen. I know that this is probably normal, but having never owned a brb before, every little thing is making me paranoid. I'm just worried that he isn't tapping into the water bowl. By his size, I'm guessing he is about a year old, maybe a little less. Stretched out he is about a foot long. I believe is isn't a morph either just a normal brb. I also haven't handled or tried to feed him since I brought him home. I thought maybe I'd wait a week or two to do so.

Ok, ok. I will stop rambling now. Sorry! But seriously, any advice at all will be highly appreciated.

06-02-14, 03:00 PM
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06-02-14, 03:15 PM
Welcome aboard, I'm sure the brb keepers will be her soon to give you advice, but you will have to be specific on what kind of advice you are looking for :D

06-02-14, 05:50 PM
Hey and welcome! Post pics of your snake and setup.

06-02-14, 07:39 PM
Welcome aboard! Posting pictures of your setup will help a lot, but to start with I will say that aspen is not a good idea for BRBs. It is very prone to getting moldy, especially with the high humidity that BRBs need.

EL Ziggy
06-02-14, 09:10 PM
Welcome and best wishes.

06-03-14, 02:01 AM
Welcome and what part of ky I live there as well

06-03-14, 04:08 AM
hi and welcome!

06-03-14, 04:45 AM
Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone. I will change from aspen ASAP! What do you recommend I use? And I think right now the only questions I have are; is he getting water at night? I'm really worried about that part. And what should the temp drop be for night time, if any? Hopefully the picture uploaded right (I'm using my phone). You should be able to see Silas in the back left corner.

Ps. I live in Ashland :)

06-03-14, 04:48 AM
Here are some pictures incase the others didn't upload

06-03-14, 05:12 AM
I managed to get Silas out of hiding this morning so I took advantage and took some pics for you guys.

06-03-14, 05:14 AM
Like I said before, I think he is a normal brb and not any type of morph. Don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong.

06-03-14, 05:17 AM
One last pic (I'm probably uploading these wrong), I'm thinking he is about to go into shed. I could be wrong. His color seem really light and up close almost has a grey/white shade to it.

06-03-14, 05:25 AM
Hey, welcome! Gorgeous boa:)

06-03-14, 11:09 AM
welcome :D pretty boa!

06-03-14, 11:10 AM
Welcome aboard!

06-03-14, 01:42 PM
I just noticed I never posted this..

Thank you everyone for all the friendly welcomes. I will gladly take any free advice anyone can give me. I'm familiar with reptiles but this is my first snake. I will take the aspen out asap, I was under the impression that was alright to use but I understand what was said with the high humidity. My only concern at this time is still with the water. I know Silas is probably soaking/drinking when I'm not looking but I haven't noticed a change in water level?

Ps. I live in Ashland

06-03-14, 01:44 PM
Beautiful BRB!;)

06-03-14, 07:56 PM
Gorgeous snake! Welcome to the forum!