View Full Version : feeding store bought chicken

05-29-14, 06:15 PM
I have feed store bought chicken in the past and have had no bad effect. I know there is a lack of nutrition and has never been the main food source. But I have used it in hard times and it has even helped snakes to start eating. I had a 14 foot Burmese python that i feed 1 hole chicken a month for a year when I was younger and she even breed for me. Not saying it's good but I don't think its bad, what do you guys think and has anyone done it.I read about it in a snake book I had 15 years ago:hmm:

05-29-14, 06:37 PM
I've never personally done it just because I didn't want the beak to poke the inside of my snake (yeah I know it's probably not a real problem) but as far as I know there is no issues with feeding chickens, a lot of people do it

05-29-14, 06:43 PM
I've never personally done it just because I didn't want the beak to poke the inside of my snake (yeah I know it's probably not a real problem) but as far as I know there is no issues with feeding chickens, a lot of people do it

I worry about a sharp bone poking the in side of the snake to so I make sure there are no sharp bones before I feed it to them

05-29-14, 06:45 PM
As long as it's a whole chicken it shouldn't be a problem, by the time it gets down to the bone the acid in the stomach will eat it up fast

05-29-14, 09:22 PM
The spurs might cause damage

05-29-14, 10:15 PM
Are we talking store bought chicken or a freshly killed chicken with feathers and all? I feed freshly killed chickens to my Burm and have no issues, he loves them. A store bought chicken that has been cleaned would lack nutrients.

05-30-14, 02:22 AM
Don't you get 'more' mess with feeding chickens, not that a big Burm probably couldn't make more of a mess LOL.

As for its beak just snip it off first.

05-30-14, 08:41 AM
Are we talking store bought chicken or a freshly killed chicken with feathers and all? I feed freshly killed chickens to my Burm and have no issues, he loves them. A store bought chicken that has been cleaned would lack nutrients.

The chicken that's in the package that you get at the store...sorry probably should have clarified that at the beginning of the post

05-30-14, 08:45 AM
The chicken that's in the package that you get at the store...sorry probably should have clarified that at the beginning of the post

I doubt that your going to get a snake to eat store bought packaged chicken, and why would you want to do that, if your apprehensive about feeding live animals (just guessing) then get frozen, like stated above your taking a lot of nutrition out of the meal plus it's cold, snakes don't like cold food

05-30-14, 08:49 AM
Packaged chicken at the store is not a good idea. As said, it is missing a lot of the nutrients that whole chicken would have.
Jp, you say that it's cold as if frozen rats aren't. LOL presumably both would be thawed before feeding.

05-30-14, 09:43 AM
Packaged chicken at the store is not a good idea. As said, it is missing a lot of the nutrients that whole chicken would have.
Jp, you say that it's cold as if frozen rats aren't. LOL presumably both would be thawed before feeding.

Lol obviously there frozen and thawed in warmer water but I I just don't think a snake is going to eat packaged chicken even if it is thawed out

05-30-14, 10:08 AM
Lol obviously there frozen and thawed in warmer water but I I just don't think a snake is going to eat packaged chicken even if it is thawed out

I have a friend that used to feed his retic store bought chickens. I have on occasion given some of my snakes strips of raw chicken breast. My FWC, Corns, Rat snake and ATB will take them, no problem.

05-30-14, 10:14 AM
Lol obviously there frozen and thawed in warmer water but I I just don't think a snake is going to eat packaged chicken even if it is thawed out

I have never had a burm are retic not eat package chicken.I dont think its good but as a last Resort because life is sucking and my snakes need to eat lol I dont think it bad. I have feed them package chicken from time to time when I was living with my parents as a kid and it did not seem to hurt them in the long run. I dont really do it now as I breed my food but when I was just starting out and seeing it in a snake book I was all for it.

05-30-14, 10:17 AM
I have a friend that used to feed his retic store bought chickens. I have on occasion given some of my snakes strips of raw chicken breast. My FWC, Corns, Rat snake and ATB will take them, no problem.

I have you gotten young picky eaters to eat with store but chicken lol

05-30-14, 10:36 AM
Well I stand corrected then, learned something new I didn't think would happen, that's why I love these boards even after keeping Reptiles for around 20 years I constantly learn

05-30-14, 10:57 AM
Well I stand corrected then, learned something new I didn't think would happen, that's why I love these boards even after keeping Reptiles for around 20 years I constantly learn

That's what makes this hobby interesting you never get to really know everything, everyone has there tricks and ways of doing things.

05-30-14, 11:14 AM
That's what makes this hobby interesting you never get to really know everything, everyone has there tricks and ways of doing things.
That is why it is nice when people stop putting each other down and arguing when they don't agree on things, they may actually learn something they did not know. There are not always only one way to do things and other way may work better for you. That is why it is nice to have a peaceful discussion thread like this one.

05-30-14, 11:38 AM
That is why it is nice when people stop putting each other down and arguing when they don't agree on things, they may actually learn something they did not know. There are not always only one way of do things and other way may work better for you. That is why it is nice to have a peaceful discussion thread like this one.

Spot on brother man.just because something is out of the normal way of doing things does not mean its wrong. I have seen ppl get roasted for doing something a little different and then wonder way ppl don't listen. When I first started keeping snakes the guy at the pet store talked to me like I was dumb, but I was craving information as he had Burmese pythons and that's what I really wanted.I was 14 not dumb just wanted to learn.

06-01-14, 04:18 PM
I've fed chicken parts from the store to my colubrids and carpet pythons in the past. Their feeding response for the poultry was pretty impressive. A few of my snakes that never strike when they feed will nail a chicken neck or drumstick. I only give these things as a an occasional "treat" if you will. I only have one carpet that won't touch them. Everything else I have loves them. I haven't tried my atbs yet, but they love chicks and quail so I can't imagine them not liking chicken parts. I personally like giving my snakes a variety whenever I can.

06-06-14, 01:53 AM
It's a pretty common technique where I'm from to supplement snake diets with processed chicken parts when larger whole food items aren't available. Think of them as junk food. It won't kill your snake, but it isn't the best either.

06-06-14, 10:54 AM
I doubt that your going to get a snake to eat store bought packaged chicken, and why would you want to do that, if your apprehensive about feeding live animals (just guessing) then get frozen, like stated above your taking a lot of nutrition out of the meal plus it's cold, snakes don't like cold food

my Carpet mentor sometimes feeds his Black Headed Pythons chicken breasts that come packaged,they eat them like any other prey he offers

cheers shaun