View Full Version : New Ball Python Shed in pieces

05-25-14, 06:54 PM
Hey everyone. About 3 weeks ago I got my first snake, a ball python and I look today and see that she's shed. But It's not one clean piece, and I'm not sure what to do. I see allot of different suggestions when I google it, but I'm not sure what to trust. What should I do?

05-25-14, 07:22 PM
What is the humidity at, my guess is its not high enough, can you post pics of your setup

05-25-14, 07:33 PM
It has never dropped below 50, generally kept at 55 to 60. I have a 48x18 aquarium with a few different hides and undertank heating pad.

Jim Smith
05-25-14, 08:26 PM
I think it is probably caused by one of two things. As jpsteel80 stated, your humidity is too low or perhaps the snake has been dehydrated before you got her. If I notice that one of my snakes looks a bit dry as they get ready to shed, I put about an inch of lukewarm water in a tub and let them soak for about 10 minutes. I then let them crawl through paper towels being held in my hand. I may repeat the process it they still look a bit dry. This seems to help rehydrate them and helps ensure a smooth clean shed.

05-25-14, 08:27 PM
Does it have an open screen top? What are you using to heat the cage?

05-26-14, 03:44 AM
Humidity should be 60-65% upped to 75% when the snake goes into "blue". Keep it at those levels and next shed should be complete.

05-26-14, 07:29 PM
Bad sheds usually stem from dehydration, but some snakes will also just have bad sheds (one of my female chondros is particularly bad about leaving a small patch on her head). Check you snake first and foremost, a hydrated snake will have nice smooth skin and full eyes; dehydrated snakes will have slightly sunken eyes and poor skin texture. If the little guy seems dehydrated, take a shoebox size container and fill it with about 1/4 of an INCH room temperature water and let him go for about a 15 minute swim. While he's getting some extra hydration, take a look at your set up and make sure you do not have too much ventilation or too small of a water bowl: the two most common reasons for poor humidity.