05-25-14, 03:46 PM
My husband found this girl off of Craigslist last month and paid practical pennies for her. I was able to track down her breeder and turns out she's nicely bred, from Bryan Hummel's 2013 Double Orange litter (from breeding his two best oranges together) and said it was the best litter he's produced in a long time. We're thrilled to have her, and while I may be interested in breeding her to my boy from Living Gem's 2013 litter A eventually... Right now we're just happy to enjoy her beauty (by my husband from afar, as she's a huge brat and has bitten me several times already).
The 15 year old we got her from was keeping her in a small open-top aquarium with wet coconut husk dumped in it as substrate. She shed for me last week but it was very poor shed and ended up needing help getting a bunch of skin off of her face and back. The kid was feeding her fuzzies once a month so she's very small (about half the size of my male who is a few months younger than her) and she's a vicious eater. Even with tongs she goes for my hand instead and will strike at anything that moves during feeding time. I can pull her out and hold her between feedings but she's still pretty antsy and jumpy. It's a work in progress, ahahaha.
Here are a few pictures but I'll get her outside soon and get better ones. She's much lighter than my male. My husband has named her skittles and refuses to let me name her anything even remotely original.
The 15 year old we got her from was keeping her in a small open-top aquarium with wet coconut husk dumped in it as substrate. She shed for me last week but it was very poor shed and ended up needing help getting a bunch of skin off of her face and back. The kid was feeding her fuzzies once a month so she's very small (about half the size of my male who is a few months younger than her) and she's a vicious eater. Even with tongs she goes for my hand instead and will strike at anything that moves during feeding time. I can pull her out and hold her between feedings but she's still pretty antsy and jumpy. It's a work in progress, ahahaha.
Here are a few pictures but I'll get her outside soon and get better ones. She's much lighter than my male. My husband has named her skittles and refuses to let me name her anything even remotely original.