View Full Version : Columbian Rainbow Boa

05-25-14, 12:30 PM
So i went to a pet store by my house and noticed they had a baby rainbow boa there....Ive never seen or held one so i decided to ask the manager to hold it. He said he was the meanest snake they had....he wasnt kidding...i got tagged like 7 times before i can even lift him up and about 4 more times in my hands...later i did research and saw that these boas are some of the most docile boas out there....i thought it was very strange. Ive owned argentine boas, red tail, and a bunch of ball pythons and a burmese and i have never been bitten in my whole life...im happy to say ive finally experienced it now so i wont be scared anymore but does anyone know or have experience with angry rainbow boas?

05-25-14, 12:33 PM
just a side note....i did not see any humidity gauges and ive read it needs to be pretty humid so im assuming they arent even giving it the right husbandry. Thats the only reason i could imagine it being so mean

05-25-14, 12:35 PM
sounds to me like he was very stressed or very hungry I have never seen a rainbow boa do that, :/

05-25-14, 12:37 PM
I have two rainbows, and I have never gotten bit I know both of them are very happy for food, so I take care when picking them up ofc.

05-25-14, 12:38 PM
I had a Columbian rainbow boa that was very docile, and there is a big difference in being bitten by a small rainbow boa and an 8 foot + burmese (which i can say I had the pleasure of and it doesn't feel anywhere near the same)

05-25-14, 01:02 PM
yeah i thought it was pretty strange it was biting that much. only broke my skin once thuogh. I'm sure hes stressed. I dont buy snakes from pet stores but if i see that he isnt being cared for at all i might buy him and try to sell him to an owner on here and care for him until he finds a way better home.

05-25-14, 01:05 PM
yeah i thought it was pretty strange it was biting that much. only broke my skin once thuogh. I'm sure hes stressed. I dont buy snakes from pet stores but if i see that he isnt being cared for at all i might buy him and try to sell him to an owner on here and care for him until he finds a way better home.

that is a sweet thought :)

05-25-14, 08:41 PM
thanks ! i just get real bothered when pet stores that dont have someone who knows how to care for the species of snake they are selling. the snake has to suffer and they could careless.

05-26-14, 12:24 AM
Maybe I'm unlucky, cause my CRBs are way more nasty than my BRBs.... My VRB is a sweetie. My 6yr BRB is too, my 1.1 2.5yr are nasty, my 0.2 1yr baby BRBs are sweeties, and my 2.1 1yr baby CRBs are jerks...

I hear BRBs are usually more aggressive, yet I would argue CRBs are. In the end, like I tell anyone, it comes down to the snake's individual personality.