View Full Version : Just wanted to share.

05-25-14, 06:51 AM
Please watch everything. I am now going vegan.... I can't do this I don't care if I don't make a different. I cried so much watching this.

MeatVideo.com - The video the meat industry doesn't want you to see. (http://www.meatvideo.com/)

Please share and make people aware of what is happening!

05-25-14, 07:07 AM
I will not go vegan, but I am wanting to change where I am getting my food from. Not from the store, from my own farm. We need the meat to survive, but not like this.

05-25-14, 08:04 AM
I will not go vegan, but I am wanting to change where I am getting my food from. Not from the store, from my own farm. We need the meat to survive, but not like this.

Yea I feel the same Scaless I don't go vegan but I want to look where I get my food from. Like personal farms.

05-25-14, 08:04 AM
Please share this too.

CRY OF THE INNOCENT: The Voices That Can't Speak (http://www.cryoftheinnocent.com/)

Please look out you are not one of them, please don't wear fur.

05-25-14, 09:36 AM
I understand that a lot of animal's are killed in what we would call a less than humane way but no way I could survive on plants and beans for the rest of my life

05-25-14, 06:54 PM
I would not be able to go vegan but I do want to start raising a lot of my own meats and buying from small farms.

05-26-14, 03:50 AM
Dead meat is dead meat and very tasty, I would easily go 100% carnivore. In an ideal world I would love my meat to come from animals kept in acres and acres of land and fed organic feed but the facts are far from ideal And money restraints mean that I have to buy meat at the cheapest price rather than from the ideal place.

I have worked in abattoirs in the uk and know that the horror stories are restricted to a minority of "farms" and a minority of abattoirs. The vast majority of animals are kept and killed in the most humane ways possible.

05-27-14, 12:06 PM
I know I can not go vegan either I love meat, sad to say yes, I only eat meat maybe one time a week but I just can't understand how some people can do that and laugh... it is just sick or people who say "they are just animals" the same with snake skin or lizard skin trade it is just so sick...