View Full Version : I'd say she's pretty settled in

05-24-14, 01:39 PM
Took 2 little rat weener's no problem, soon as I put it in front of her face she hit them like grease lighting (typical retic). At this rate she will be an easy 10 foot by the end of year 1

05-24-14, 02:28 PM
Sweet, are you feeding in a separate tub there? try it this time next year LOL

Glad she's feeding well mate :)

05-24-14, 02:46 PM
Yeah I don't want her to associate her cage with feedings, this time next year she's going in the bathtub lol

05-24-14, 02:51 PM
Yeah I don't want her to associate her cage with feedings, this time next year she's going in the bathtub lol

A bit of tap training will sort that out mate

05-24-14, 03:18 PM
A bit of tap training will sort that out mate

I agree. Moving a big hungry snake is like playing with a loaded gun.I rub the head of all my snakes with a hook until I start to pick up the snake . I did not do this as part of my routine and one day my 14 foot female burm got me...just a thought man dont won't no one to get hurt....that retic looks amazing

05-24-14, 04:10 PM
I have to agree with everyone. Moving a retic in feed mode isn't safe after they get to 8 feet or so. Besides, that logic can be flipped. You said you're going to take him out to not associate his cage with feeding, but then he'll associate being taken out with food.

Best bet is to build or dedicate a door ONLY for food. Problem solved. Use tap training or the rub of a hook to break feed response before handleing(if need be) and no issues, as long as you do it the same way every time they'll know what's going on.

Edit: I'd only feed one of those rats every 5 days for 3-4 feedings then you can probably go to smalls.

EL Ziggy
05-24-14, 04:19 PM
Beautiful retic.

05-24-14, 04:37 PM
Best bet is to build or dedicate a door ONLY for food. Problem solved. Use tap training or the rub of a hook to break feed response before handleing(if need be) and no issues, as long as you do it the same way every time they'll know what's going,

Exactly that, I use left door feed, right door handling.

05-24-14, 05:52 PM
Yeah I thought about that after I went to get her out, had to put a piece of cardboard in front of her face, as soon as I touched the side of her body to put her back in she automatically whipped around, I'm pretty sure if I didn't have that cardboard there it would have been my hand she went after, getting a snake hook asap ;)

05-24-14, 06:20 PM
Snake hooks are your best friend when you have a retic in feed mode, can't imagine trying to calm my jamp female barehanded.

dave himself
05-25-14, 02:48 AM
Beautiful retic mate, and I agree with all the above comments about feeding out of the viv :)

05-25-14, 10:59 AM
Beautiful oranges! And yes, do not use seperate feeding tubs. Feed her in her enclosure and get her used to the hook from now.

Remember, almost no snake is aggressive. The proper term would be defensive.

"Cage Aggression" is a myth! If your snake strikes in the cage but is fine once out, it's called feeding response, and a hook or similar item can be used to easily break that response. For snakes like burms, retics, scrubs, carpets, and many others; that response will ALWAYS be there wherever you decide to feed your snake. And once it reaches it's enormous sizes it can actually be more dangerous for you and the snake, rather than safer.

If your snake is defensive in it's enclosure and continues to strike and musk once you take her out then it has nothing to do with food and the snake is most likely fearful of you.

Not saying any of this is true for your case, just trying to give you some tips!
(Get a hook now, not asap lol ;) )

05-25-14, 11:23 AM
Yeah ill be sad to see the orange leave her as she gets bigger, and she has never bitten me at all, soon as I touch her she makes haste real fast to see what it is but has never attempted to bite, what I find kinda weird is I have a hide on both sides of her cage and she has never once used them she prefers to sit out? I guess every snake is different

05-25-14, 01:06 PM
but I thought snakes were deaf? would tapping work then?

05-25-14, 01:18 PM
You tap their body and head, no sounds involved.

05-25-14, 02:24 PM
but I thought snakes were deaf? would tapping work then?

I personally rub mine with a hook to break feed mode. I see the term "tap training" used to refer to both: tapping the snake(also refered to as hook training). And tapping the cage. The snake will be completley aware if you tap the cage.

Snakes don't have external ears but they "hear" with their lower jaws. Any vibration on the cage is "heard".