View Full Version : Help?

snake momma
05-08-14, 06:03 PM
One of my garter's eyes is cloudy but not the other. It's not a retained eye cap though. I cleaned everything in the cage. Any idea what it could be and any HOME REMEDIES to help?

05-11-14, 06:09 PM
Wait a day, see how it looks then. My king had this the other day, and now both eyes are cloudy. Just preparing for shed:)

snake momma
05-11-14, 06:24 PM
Shedded and fine. By the way, I haven't been on here for months and then I come back to see all these posts by me????? Any ideas

05-11-14, 06:27 PM
Shedded and fine. By the way, I haven't been on here for months and then I come back to see all these posts by me????? Any ideas

Oh alright, didn't realize this was an old post:p but sorry, I have nooo idea :confused:

05-12-14, 09:21 AM
Shedded and fine. By the way, I haven't been on here for months and then I come back to see all these posts by me????? Any ideas

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05-12-14, 09:46 AM
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