View Full Version : Average size and feeding schedule for two year old BCI?

05-07-14, 10:34 AM
I have a 2012 female Jungle Boa. She is approximately 4.5 feet long, I don't know her weight as I have never weighed her.
Just checking if my feeding schedule is okay for her age and size. I feed her one medium rat (86-175 grams) every 1.5-2 weeks. Is this acceptable? Or should she still be weekly at this age? She really doesn't poop that often either, seems to be monthly or so. Should she be on large rats? (176-275 grams)

For size, is 4.5 feet an average size for a two year old female? I have had her since Christmas, I can't say she has put any size on since then, she has shed once since I have had her. If she is going to get 7 or 8 feet, how many years does that usually take? Do all female boas reach that size? Or do some stay smaller around 5-6 feet? Just wondering what to expect.

05-07-14, 03:01 PM
My 2012 female common is 3.5ft at the most.. Fed weekly till 1 yr and 2 weeks from then on till now. All depends what size prey the last owner fed n how often. :)

05-07-14, 04:02 PM
Basic rule of thumb that I use is to feed a prey item that is between 1 and 1.5 times the thickest part of the snakes body. I have a year old Female Hog Island Boa who is around 3.5' and I am currently feeding her 1 small adult rat that is approximately 1.25 her thickness of her body every 10 days.

I wouldn't worry too much about how often she defecate's. Boas can hold it for weeks and some of my friends who have had boas had some that only defecated after going into shed while they were still growing.

Boa's will grow at different rates depending on feeding so its hard to say what size they should be at certain ages and not all boas get to be the same size, it can really vary from animal to animal.

Hope this helps, Cheers

05-08-14, 12:26 AM
I'd go with something the same width as the snake or a bit thinner personally.. I think that 125% increase in length for a year old is a bit excessive.. However it's not drastically over fed either..

05-08-14, 01:32 PM
I have a female arabesque that is right at 4 feet. I just moved her up to medium rats. I go by 10g ranges with all my animals. ill feed her every 2 weeks with a rat that is 90-100 grams when I do not see a lump any more ill feed 3 more times at that size then move up to 120-130g rats and do the same process. generally is about 10% of body weight.

I feed every 7 days until they are on medium rats 80 grams plus. once on medium ill feed every 2 weeks. once on large and so on I will be doing every 3 weeks. I do not have any that are on large yet but that is the plan.

Kid Boa
05-08-14, 02:58 PM
Based on her being the proper size

She should being every 14 days or so and 275+ gram rats.
Her poop prob isn't that big because of the small meals. But about every two weeks or so is about normal for a boa to poop.

Female BCIs can reach around 9ft. But this depends on her local, feeding and genetics.

Hope this helps. :)

05-09-14, 09:58 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think after feeding her the other day and seeing not much of a lump after, I will bump her to large rats after I run out of the mediums.