View Full Version : which breed is she and how old is she ?????

05-05-14, 07:33 PM
Hi guys i need your help. i bought a carpet python 4-5 days ago but I don’t know her age and breed it’s the most subject for me.You can see from the pics. she is 145 cm and dull yellow and dark black(i can’t say she is jungle for her dull yellow and also I can’t say she is IJCP or CCP)please help me for that.
also she is very very aggressive she is hissing when i touch her. and she never identify who am i when she wake up with my touch. very nipy. when i handle her, she wanna wrap my neck. may i let her wrap or it is very dangerous? Sometimes i cant understand her. sometimes she love play with me, sometimes hate me. and i put my tshirt to her cage for be accustomed my smell. is it true? and it is weird, she love stay hold straight her head. and every time when i handle her she touch with her tongue, my face my lips my nose then strain. plz help me for solve theese issues, she is my first snake, i dont wanna hurt her.where can i learn all about her?

05-06-14, 04:18 AM
I would guess jcp or a mix of. You will never know if the breeder didn't tell you. Impossible to tell from just visual cues. As far as nippy goes, ho often do you handle? 10 min daily is good for "taming" a jcp. Most (not all) start out nippy but grow out of it. Some (not all ) never do. Each snake is unique.