View Full Version : Help with first snake.

05-03-14, 02:24 PM
Hi there, I went to an exotic animal expo a couple weeks ago and since then have been obsessed with snakes. I'm dead set on getting one, but the only problem is which snake. I know this has probably been posted on these forums a million times, so sorry.

My criteria are mainly these:
-Able to comfortably live in a 36x18 terrarium at full size
-Be able to sit there and hang out with me for some time, so something docile
-Not cost an absurd amount of money, 400 is my very max.

I know your probably thinking, "get a ball python." Well I'm a hipster and need something more unique, and everyone has a ball python.

One species that interests me most is the dwarf boa's, but I can't seem to find much information on them. So are there any dwarf boa's that meet my critera, or another kind of snake that would? Thank you for the help, really appreciate it.

05-05-14, 10:21 AM
Corn Snake
King Snake
Rosy Boa
Sand Boa
Childrens Python
Spotted Python

05-05-14, 10:51 AM
You if you upped it to a 3ftx2ftx2ft and bolted in some climbing logs to utilise the extra room, you could fit a Sonoran or Nicuarguan BCI in there... Preferably a male dwarf as they tend to stay that little but smaller.

05-05-14, 11:46 AM
Personally I would recommend either a corn snake with a cool paint job, or, go for a king. I have a desert king, which doesn't seem to be very popular, and they are docile.

Good luck and welcome to the forums. Be sure to ask lots of questions before jumping in. Better to be over prepared.

05-05-14, 11:51 AM
Another good one would be a male rainbow boa. Not as common, but with a good set up, would do nicely and be a wonderful display animal.