04-30-14, 06:43 PM
Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't been posting much. Working 60 hours a week and trying to keep up with my collection / human family has kept me busy lately.
Finally got those pics of the Naultinus and cataphractus up (very, very rare and pricey). They are not mine, a buddy of mine has 6 naultinus and a pair of the cataphractus. The cataphractus are very quick and skittish, and thrash violently but I managed one good pic. Haha.
Here are a few pics I just snapped after feeding 2 of the 3 gillens. The big male never shows his face when I open the doors.
Small girl was like that when I got here, she gets special treatment and is catching up fast. She ate half a small fuzzy for dinner. haha.
Sorry I haven't been posting much. Working 60 hours a week and trying to keep up with my collection / human family has kept me busy lately.
Finally got those pics of the Naultinus and cataphractus up (very, very rare and pricey). They are not mine, a buddy of mine has 6 naultinus and a pair of the cataphractus. The cataphractus are very quick and skittish, and thrash violently but I managed one good pic. Haha.
Here are a few pics I just snapped after feeding 2 of the 3 gillens. The big male never shows his face when I open the doors.
Small girl was like that when I got here, she gets special treatment and is catching up fast. She ate half a small fuzzy for dinner. haha.