View Full Version : Hello! Kinda New to Snakes and Need Some Advice!

04-27-14, 07:09 PM
Hello! I have always loved snakes, but never really thought about having one as a pet, or thought about how good of pets they could be, and was always set back from the idea, because of the whole live mouse/rat feeding thing. But about 6 months ago I went to a reptile expo and my boyfriend got really into them and so we started researching them for him. until i realized hoe amazing they are, and got obsessed. Now 6 months later and visiting about 30+ stores talking to breeders, and being to almost every expo around me, i need one.

But i don't know what kind to get.

I absolutely love the Brazilian Rainbow Boa, but have been getting mixed reviews of them, some say that they are mean, and hard to keep in the right conditions. So i also like the ball python...

I'm looking for more of a laid back, friendly snake, that could almost sit on the couch with you, not having to worry that its gonna try to go everywhere and bite you....(i understand that it all depends that every snake is different personalities, but just in general)
But also a good sized snake, i feel like in going to hurt the little ones, and i just enjoy the larger ones, also not to large, that me a 5'1 girl couldn't handle.

Sorry for the long message, but hoping that someone could help me out on getting more information:) Thanks!

04-27-14, 08:32 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


04-27-14, 08:43 PM
You should get which ever one you like better, or both for that natter, yes brazilian take a little more care than a ball ( not really more care just different requirements) but nothing that anyone here couldn't help you with, just need to figure out what you want :D

EL Ziggy
04-27-14, 08:46 PM
Welcome to the forum. There are so many amazing snakes to choose from it can be hard to pick the perfect one. Thats why a lot of people have several :). The Rainbow boas and ball pythons are nice. You should also take a look at king snakes, milk snakes, bull snakes and carpet pythons. Best wishes with whatever you choose.

04-27-14, 10:03 PM
Welcome to the forum! BRBs and Ball pythons do have a bit of higher requirements than some other species, but both are really neat! Ball pythons are, in general, very calm snakes that don't mind hanging out and sitting still for lengths of time. I don't have a lot of hands on experience with BRBs, but I've always thought they were gorgeous.

Have you looked into Black rat snakes? I have an albino boy that is over 6' but VERY manageable, and their care is a lot more basic compared to boas and pythons. He isn't as instantly ready to sit in one spot like my BP, but after a little of exploring he settles right down.

04-28-14, 06:59 AM
When it comes to personality, you have to handle a few. Because you may end up with the one pissy BRB (or ball python!).

Personally, I have heard that BRBs can be a little fiesty, but occasionally can be good. For what you are looking for, it is hard to beat a Ball python. I also like ADULT cornsnakes for that reason.
Of course, if you're really looking for a lap animal or companion animal, get a dog or cat. Don't try to make a snake something that it is not.

04-28-14, 07:16 AM
Hey, welcome!

04-28-14, 08:24 AM
Hey and Welcome!

04-28-14, 10:05 AM
Welcome aboard!
As said, if you want a calm and tractable animal, a Ball Python would be a good choice. If you want something that will sit on your lap and watch TV with you, get a cat or a dog. Snakes are amazing animals, but they are not social and do not enjoy excessive handling. Keeping them out of their cages for long periods of time is not usually a good idea.

04-28-14, 10:36 AM
I highly recommend a Black Milk Snake! Very docile, great eaters, males can get 6+ feet long. They like it cool low 70's, so easy to keep. Brightly colored while young and turn almost completely black in 2 to 3 years.:)

04-28-14, 10:47 AM
You might want to check out a Dumeril's Boa. I recently went through the whole process of selecting my first snake and I settled on the Dumeril's which is known to be quite tame and content to just sit still. They are also slow growers to give you time to build a larger enclosure and there temp and humidity requirements are very easy to maintain.

05-01-14, 01:11 PM
Ball pythons are great, they are pretty chill and are willing to do some exploring in a slower manner compared to corns or quicker species.

The average size is only around 4 feet, but they are more girthy instead of stick-like. Plus there is a HUGE variety of morphs out there that you can choose from.

Out of the 12 I have only a couple have struck at me and bit me, however it doesn't hurt, it's more like a pinch (more surprising than anything). It's all about handling with confidence and reading their body language.

Once they are older and closer to breeding age they tend to go off of food from a couple weeks to numerous months. But don't worry it's just because they want to get it on, and plus it saves you money on rats!

Temps range from 87-91 on the hot side and around 74 on the cool. You just need to get some heat tape or a mat with a thermostat to ensure it doesn't get to hot to burn your snake. No heat lights are necessary for these guys. I usually use paper towel with some aspen as substrate as it's easy to clean and the aspen soaks up excess moisture and smell.

Each ball python is different in personality, so be courageous and handle a few of them until you feel that connection with one that you like :) Best of luck!