View Full Version : Boa Help.

04-26-14, 09:56 PM
We have a 5.5" Red Tail Boa and he hasn't eaten for some time now.

Last time we fed him he ate the rat ended up throwing it up and since then nothing, we usually give him frozen but we have tried live since and he still hasn't eaten. He is just starting to shed for the first time in almost 4 months which isn't normal usually every month he sheds, we were told it could be due to mating and I've also read that but Idk now.

Just wondering if anyone has had any problems like this before I'd really appreciate any help

04-27-14, 02:43 AM
If you give details of its habitat, size, temps humidity etc then I am sure someone will be able to help.

04-27-14, 08:15 AM
The regurgitated rat sounds like temps may be to low and I agree pics usually tell the whole story, what's the cool side/hot side temps, humidity ect. ect. ect.

04-27-14, 09:04 AM
Let us know how often you are attempting to feed, trying to often will also stress the snake.

Kid Boa
04-28-14, 06:55 AM
As stated above, we need full specs on your set up and the age of the Boa. Also, do NOT try and feed it for 2 or three weeks after a regurgitation and when you do, use a feeder rat that is ALOT smaller then its normal meal.