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04-18-14, 06:53 PM
Hey. my hypo boa had just regurgitated his meal and also at the same time regurgitated a load of crap?? I am a lil nervous about it. I just finally got rid of the mites that he had as well. at least I think its been rectified. Are the mites relivent?
If anyone could give me any advice I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

04-18-14, 07:00 PM
I have to ask first, did you handle him after he ate?

04-18-14, 07:28 PM
Regure can come from many reasons. Maybe the mite treatment poisoned him and caused a reguge.

04-18-14, 07:28 PM
Also, how are the the temps?

04-18-14, 10:57 PM
#1 I handled him gently for less than ten seconds.
#2 are there any other simptons that he may of goten I'll from the might treatment?
#3 temps are fine in general on both sides, hot\cold. Also I do have a large glass dish in there on the cool side and he was chilling In between the glass dish and the wall of tank. That would have been the only way for him to be cold....

04-18-14, 11:28 PM
Have any of you ever heard of the snake puking ficies?

04-19-14, 12:07 AM
What are his current temps right now? Why did you handle him after eating and how long after handling him did he regurge?

I have never heard of snakes regurging feces. I'm no doctor, but I don't know if that's possible since feces isn't contained in the stomach.

When was the last time your boa fed?

If you post a pic of the enclosure that might help

04-19-14, 08:12 AM
Pic's of the enclosure are kind of needed at this time, also I'm going to agree with mikoh4792 on this, I don't think it's physically possible for a snake to do that, if you absolutely 100 percent positive the snake regurgitated feces, you need to get off this board and go to a vet, your snake has serious internal problems and none of us can help it but I don't think that's the problem, if your temps are to low it could be a rat digested to the point you can't recognize it anymore and looks like feces ppossily?

04-21-14, 02:04 PM
I suspect it was not feces, but the well-digested leftovers of a prior meal. I've seen partial regurgs comprised of only liquid and hair that might look like feces to the untrained eye.

Mites are a very stressful event for a snake, and the treatment can be too.

Whatever you do, do not rush to re-feed: wait double the time you usually would before offering food, and offer a meal half the size of the normal food. Your snake will not starve, but will have a much easier time digesting this. If it works (no second regurg), repeat. If it works again, increase *either* the size or timing of the meal to normal for the next two meals. If all is still good, resume feeding as normal.

It would also help if you posted a picture of the enclosure and shared the temps you see as normal...there have been cases when a keeper thought all was well, but was operating on bad info. This allows the experienced keepers here to check and help you better.

Good luck!