View Full Version : Super rare species !

04-06-14, 08:00 PM
Not me. Haha. I went to the White plains show to pick up some animals (another Pachydactylus vanzylii female and the trio of Varanus gilleni, somewhat rare I guess).

Went to a friends house in jersey to see his reptile room. He had tons of different strophrurus, lots of knobtails, C. anguilfer, P. rangei (not so rare but still cool), a pair of Cordylus cataphractus!!! anddddd a bunch of Naultinus among other crazy cool stuff.

Just thought I'd share that, was a really fun trip for me.

04-06-14, 08:08 PM
Where are the photos?? ;)

04-06-14, 08:48 PM
No pics thats just mean.

04-07-14, 07:01 AM
I'll post some when I get home, Most of the stuff was really hard to photograph, and considering some of the geckos cost over 5 grand a piece, we didn't want to disturb the cage furniture. I did get some photos of the naultinus, one of the C. cataphractus before he shot into the rocks again, and lots of the strophrurus as they think they are well camoflauged. I didn't get any of the woodworthia which was probably one of the rarest species he had, oh well :P