View Full Version : Rescue boa Update

04-01-14, 12:06 AM
So a while back i posted about some rescues, for anyone who missed it here is a video.


Just thought i would drop an update, they are both doing great, best of all the large boa shed the other day with nice high humidity it came off perfectly clean and i was extatic to see that her eye is perfect now so it wasnt an infection just god knows how many layers of stuck shed (it actually looked swoolen)

My quarantine procedure involves one last mite bath after shed and a full tank scrub then 2 week's observation before i give the all clear, things are looking good though!

04-01-14, 04:43 AM
Two weeks is no where near enough time to declare an animal "fit". Most recommend three to six MONTHS.

04-01-14, 10:22 AM
mites dont take nearly that long to eradicate, i might be a bit off on my date but my ultimate goal is 2 months total here. No signs of any other issues in 2 months and a month mite free is plenty for me. Not everyone goes that long.

04-02-14, 10:55 AM
You are right that mites should clear fairly quick but what about other illnesses..........

04-02-14, 11:18 AM
The mites are my primary concern at this point, they are showing no signs of any other problems after a month, i guess i could leave them in quarantine until the end of april to be sure.

To be fair i normally only bring in things from much more trusted breeders and friends with immaculate setups and track records so i dont normally worry too much, this is a special case though, you might be right

04-02-14, 12:41 PM
there is a well known breeder with a huge youtube channel here in Michigan and I personally would never buy an animal off of them. they do post some very nice stuff on youtube but that is only 15% of what they have in their shop. the rest is mite infested and the living conditions of their reptiles are not very well off to say the least. so I guess what im trying to say is you never truly know what kind of living condictions or illnesses you may get. just stay on top and give an extra month or two just to be safe.

04-02-14, 12:59 PM
there is a well known breeder with a huge youtube channel here in Michigan and I personally would never buy an animal off of them. they do post some very nice stuff on youtube but that is only 15% of what they have in their shop. the rest is mite infested and the living conditions of their reptiles are not very well off to say the least. so I guess what im trying to say is you never truly know what kind of living condictions or illnesses you may get. just stay on top and give an extra month or two just to be safe.

I don't agree with this post. First of all, you left more than enough hints about the brreder for us to form a good idea of who they are. And secondly, I don't like people making these kinds of claims about breeders without posting proof.

04-02-14, 02:48 PM
Actually i have heard that as well about them from someone who has visited the shop. but that wasnt what i meant. I normally only get stuff from personal collections that i know well. There is another breeder who is miles ahead of me in the hobby right here in my apartment complex and i get pretty much all my ball pythons through him. We even help each other do maintenance and probing and such. Not since the quarantine started of course. But yeah commercial operations and such get quarantined.

04-02-14, 03:14 PM
there was more than enough proof in a video they posted just by looking at a snakes head/nostril area.

04-02-14, 03:35 PM
Actually i have heard that as well about them from someone who has visited the shop. but that wasnt what i meant. I normally only get stuff from personal collections that i know well. There is another breeder who is miles ahead of me in the hobby right here in my apartment complex and i get pretty much all my ball pythons through him. We even help each other do maintenance and probing and such. Not since the quarantine started of course. But yeah commercial operations and such get quarantined.

I've heard the same stories as well, but they're a huge business and mistakes will happen. I just don't like people making pretty serious accusations without providing proof. I'm not trying to derail your thread, BTW.

04-02-14, 06:01 PM
its all good cosmic. I am just so excited that her eye turned out not to be infected, i have never seen eyecaps that thick

04-03-14, 01:45 PM
Great video.

However, I would (respectfully) second the idea to go longer. Mite control is only the first step...it's what they could be carrying that could devastate you.

Admittedly, I do overkill: all animals that arrive here have a vet exam on the way home, go into a PaM-treated quarantine drawer, remain there for six months with weekly inspections under bleach-level separation, then have a final vet exam before joining the general collection.

Good luck!!!

04-04-14, 01:31 AM
holy **** snakesitter, must be nice to have the cash even possible for something like that, im not poor by any means but i wouldnt be buying anything with that arangement.

04-04-14, 01:43 PM
One of the local vets gives a really big discount for multiple exams at the same time, so it's not nearly as bad as it sounds. And frankly, even if it were, as a breeder I need to be extra cautious to protect my customers. As any experienced herper can tell, all it takes is one sick snake to wipe a collection.

04-05-14, 12:01 PM
yeah i understand, im quite nervous about my import coming in, they will be getting 3 months minimum for sure

04-07-14, 01:48 PM
Imports are high-risk, as they pass through so many hands...good luck!