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snake momma
03-27-14, 08:29 PM
So...My two garters, Marilyn and Shirley both just got donr w/ a shed. The are noticeably fatter and much longer! I been having them on worms and rosy minnows. However, instead of 2 worms a week, they have been tackling 3 worms a 2 days a week, each! I want to move them to pinkies, are they ready? Also, I was planning on getting a diffrent breed of garter and was wondering if they could share a tank if they were similar in size?

03-27-14, 08:38 PM
I feed my garters pinkies.

03-28-14, 05:58 AM
You can try. Mine is already on fuzzies and I just put her on pinkies not too long ago lol If you want to, buy a pinky and compare it to their body. also, I wouldn't recommend mixing species.

05-11-14, 09:03 PM
I don't see a problem moving species as long as they are the same gender. Also i think its the wandering garters (correct if wrong) can be/are cannibalistic.

05-12-14, 08:33 AM
Regardless of species, I used to keep garter snakes in "communal" housing, after several years of doing it that way, I stopped.

I honestly lost count of how many "accidents" I had, fights, eating each other, etc.. it's not worth it.

05-13-14, 01:29 AM
Regardless of species, I used to keep garter snakes in "communal" housing, after several years of doing it that way, I stopped.

I honestly lost count of how many "accidents" I had, fights, eating each other, etc.. it's not worth it.

I second this; my brother used to keep a large collection of garters in a communal viv, and the amount of cannibalism would have given Doctor Lector a run for his money.