View Full Version : Pueblan milk snake still won't eat....

03-17-14, 11:04 AM
My Pueblan has now been off feed for over two months. Not sure what to do, he is starting to lose weight but is still energetic. I have a banded Cal king the same size in the EXACT same set up and he eats like a horse!
He has plenty of hides and the temp is average 82 in the day. Maybe jumping the gun here, just concerned.
maybe beef up the temp to 85-86 during the day? Running out of ideas!

Jim Smith
03-17-14, 01:24 PM
I'm not sure if you feed F/T or not, but if so, have you tried feeding a freshly killed mouse or even a live large pinkie? This might stimulate the feeding response and get him back to feeding. Just a thought...

03-17-14, 05:52 PM
What Jim said. Also, try braining the mouse. I wouldn't be too surprised if he starts to eat again here pretty soon. During the winter season, feedings are usually all whack so now that we are coming out of it, he may start eating again.