View Full Version : Eating rat alive (not killing it first)

03-17-14, 06:32 AM
So, I've had a ball python before, but not a baby one like I just got at a reptile expo a couple weeks ago. His feeding was the day after we got him and he ate his rat alive, didn't even try to constrict it. Yesterday was feeding number two, and this time he tried to constrict it but apparently didn't do well enough, because he started eating it and it was still alive once again. He's also eaten it backwards both times, which I've seen is a little more common, but what is up with him not killing his prey before swallowing it? Is this something I should be concerned about? I've never seen this before.

His first feeding was a pinky rat because they had no fuzzy mice at the only pet store in town.. yesterday he ate a fuzzy mouse.

03-17-14, 05:59 PM
I have not seen this in ball pythons only in kings and ratsnakes o.O

03-17-14, 06:23 PM
Maybe he is used to frozen/thawed and never had to put much effort into the "kill"...?

03-17-14, 07:03 PM
I think it's just typical BP style. They seem to be a more "finicky" and different acting snake than the others

03-17-14, 07:12 PM
Maybe he is used to frozen/thawed and never had to put much effort into the "kill"...?

I would recommend switching to f/t.

03-17-14, 07:14 PM
My BP's constrict for a long time and won't attempt to eat until they nudge it a few times and make sure its dead...

03-17-14, 07:14 PM
So, I've had a ball python before, but not a baby one like I just got at a reptile expo a couple weeks ago. His feeding was the day after we got him and he ate his rat alive, didn't even try to constrict it. Yesterday was feeding number two, and this time he tried to constrict it but apparently didn't do well enough, because he started eating it and it was still alive once again. He's also eaten it backwards both times, which I've seen is a little more common, but what is up with him not killing his prey before swallowing it? Is this something I should be concerned about? I've never seen this before.

His first feeding was a pinky rat because they had no fuzzy mice at the only pet store in town.. yesterday he ate a fuzzy mouse.

you could always stun the prey with a quick hit to the head on a hard surface,i would also try getting him to take fresh killed prey,if he takes that then he will most likely go onto frozen thawed quite easily

i have NO issues with feeding live...

i do think that feeding live poses uneccessary risk to the snake...

imo no matter how well we monitor live feeding,we are not quick enough to stop a rat biting the snake its meant to be feeding,it's not so much a threat when the snakes on pinkies or fuzzies,it's older rats that pose risk

cheers shaun

03-18-14, 02:39 PM
I've seen my snakes do this before. Usually it's with small prey that can't fight back(pinky/fuzzy mice). Honestly it's nothing to worry about.

03-19-14, 10:04 AM
i have never seen or heard of a ball doing that..... you should definitely try frozen thawed