View Full Version : Genetics

03-12-14, 12:31 PM
Hi Guys

Can anyone recommend a decent book on genetics aimed toward retics (if such a book exists?)


03-12-14, 12:52 PM
I don't know of any good books, but worldofretics.com is a handy tool. What would you like to know?

03-12-14, 01:06 PM
Yeah, that sites on my favourites bar :D

Got my eye on a very young lavender albino but the ad hasn't stated if she's a dwarf/SD/mainland. Looking out for possible matches for future breeding.

I want swat up on genetics :)

Jim Smith
03-12-14, 02:18 PM
There is a book called "Genetics for Herpers" by Charles Pritzel that does a nice job explaining the overall aspects of genetics. He goes into some detail on terminology and what you can usually expect when you breed to reptiles together based on their genetic make-up. While it's not at all focused on retics (or snakes for that matter) the genetics all work the same way, and is well worth the time and money in my opinion if you want to get into breeding for certain morphs.

03-12-14, 02:32 PM
There is a book called "Genetics for Herpers" by Charles Pritzel that does a nice job explaining the overall aspects of genetics. He goes into some detail on terminology and what you can usually expect when you breed to reptiles together based on their genetic make-up. While it's not at all focused on retics (or snakes for that matter) the genetics all work the same way, and is well worth the time and money in my opinion if you want to get into breeding for certain morphs.

Excellent, thanks. I'll look out for that title :)