View Full Version : Any Ohio garter snake owners?

03-07-14, 08:45 PM
I grew up around garter snakes in northern New Jersey.
I had lots of them over the years, I've been lucky enough to see some give birth.
I've always wanted to get back into them.
I'm in Ohio now, and they are all over my yard and shed, but obviously , I can't legally own them without a propagators license. Which are getting harder to acquire and there area many people who have had them for years who can't get theirs renewed.
So, I'm wondering, does anyone know if we are allowed to legally own garter snakes from other areas? If so, which ones?
Let's here it Ohio people :]

03-07-14, 10:23 PM
Sup neighbor lol here in Indiana, we can't keep native garters without a fishing or hunting license (although I have one that I found during summer and am releasing it in spring) but we can buy different species(not native to indiana) that are from the outside states.

03-07-14, 10:32 PM
Hi drumcrush. I was hoping it was something like that, just being particular about the species.

03-07-14, 10:35 PM
Alrighty, I could imagine you could purchase T. marcianus without any problems.

03-07-14, 10:47 PM
awesome, thank drumcrush :] I'll do some research on them :]

03-07-14, 11:57 PM
I would like to point out that Indiana and Ohio have different laws. So while you may be able to keep non native species in Indiana that really has no bearing on a resident of Ohio.

03-08-14, 08:16 AM
I just asked a Cleveland policeman about garter snakes and he looked at me like a baboon was crawling out of my nose and walked away without saying a word. Lol. I know I'm not giving you any useful information but that look he gave me was priceless.

03-08-14, 09:27 AM
I would like to point out that Indiana and Ohio have different laws. So while you may be able to keep non native species in Indiana that really has no bearing on a resident of Ohio.
^^^^ yep, true.
I just asked a Cleveland policeman about garter snakes and he looked at me like a baboon was crawling out of my nose and walked away without saying a word. Lol. I know I'm not giving you any useful information but that look he gave me was priceless.


03-08-14, 09:28 AM
awesome, thank drumcrush :] I'll do some research on them :]

No problem:p google is a mans best friend :D

03-08-14, 09:36 AM
http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=knL2N9y%2BfpQ%3D&tabid=15493 here, this might help

03-08-14, 09:40 AM
that's too funny robert
thanks for the link drumcrush
Korbin, excellent point, thank you for pointing that one out