View Full Version : New update on an old piece

03-07-14, 07:52 PM
I don't know if any of you remember this thread : http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-discussion/103855-best-piece-ever.html

I was waiting on finishing this piece with glaze since I was hoping to find something to replicate the rainbow aspect. I ended up not finding anything that I found created the effect without having a side effect I didn't like in one form or another. I decided to just glaze him and be done with it but I realized I never posted photos anywhere since I didn't have the rainbow effect.

Anyway figured he looks pretty enough without it and I got some really neat photos so I might as well post them! Thanks for looking!

http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac267/Deemac6/FinishedBRB-2_zps252d9325.jpg (http://s906.photobucket.com/user/Deemac6/media/FinishedBRB-2_zps252d9325.jpg.html)

http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac267/Deemac6/FinishedBRB-3_zps778ed4fb.jpg (http://s906.photobucket.com/user/Deemac6/media/FinishedBRB-3_zps778ed4fb.jpg.html)

http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac267/Deemac6/FinishedBRB-4_zps0152f47d.jpg (http://s906.photobucket.com/user/Deemac6/media/FinishedBRB-4_zps0152f47d.jpg.html)

http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac267/Deemac6/FinishedBRB-5_zps1d7b8553.jpg (http://s906.photobucket.com/user/Deemac6/media/FinishedBRB-5_zps1d7b8553.jpg.html)

http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac267/Deemac6/FinishedBRB-6_zpsdde2dab4.jpg (http://s906.photobucket.com/user/Deemac6/media/FinishedBRB-6_zpsdde2dab4.jpg.html)

03-08-14, 09:48 AM
bumping for the day crew since I posted it rather late yesterday.

03-08-14, 10:23 AM
Nice! I think this is one of your best yet :)

03-08-14, 10:30 AM
Thank you Pareee :D, he's still my favorite piece i've done, I wish I hadn't waited so long to glaze him.