View Full Version : He looked, he learnt, the little sh@t!

03-07-14, 01:57 AM
I was working on Mitch's new viv last night taking some things out of his current viv, opening and closing his sliding glass door several times. Time got late so I packed in for the evening, and yes I forgot to put the lock on his viv! Came down this morning and his viv door was open (sliding glass remember and a tough one at that) by three inches, the bugger only opened it himself :shocked: Luckily I found him curled up under my desk no worse for wear.....the wife wasn't best to pleased :mad:

I didn't leave it open by accident as I always check on them before I go up for the night, I'm sure he waited until the 'all clear' :cool:

03-07-14, 02:30 AM
Nearly all my retics knew how to open sliding windows, they pick that up really fast! Sneaky bastards. Xena knows how to do it as well. I made a ritual of sorts to make sure i could not forget! Luckily i had a closed off snake-room before, which was ideal.. Sadly that is not realistically possible where i am building my snake-room now. So ill have to stick to rituals!

I only had one snake escape on me, and he woke me up doing it! He was a 3 y/o bali yellowhead male (Who was always up to no good) I was in bed when i heard a snapping sound, then a lot of crackling sounds. Going upstairs he was hanging out of the roof of the viv, having pushed through the ventilation-grid (which apparently was only being held in place by glue, i did not know that, bought that viv). Had to get him out, put him in a container.. Then bolt down that grid in the middle of the night.. :mad:

03-07-14, 03:12 AM
Yep lesson learnt, luckily I do close the office door where they are...phew.

Just purchased a few of those rubber sliding door wedges off Amazon as extra defence.

03-07-14, 03:17 AM
Oh yea those work very nicely as well :D Prevents irritating sounds 2, the glass and lock moving and rattling when the snake crawls past it at night.. Not that annoying, but not a sound i love hearing at night either.

dave himself
03-07-14, 07:44 AM
Glad it ended well mate. Our little ball python is a true escape artist bloody things got out more times than Steve McQueen :)

03-07-14, 08:18 AM
I have never had any problems with an escape....saying that, I just jinxed myself lol

03-07-14, 03:01 PM
I have never had any problems with an escape....saying that, I just jinxed myself lol

Yep!! lol :p

03-17-14, 08:17 PM
My male Children's Python has done it twice, the first time he woke my mom up slithering up her leg in the middle of the night and the second time my sister saw him hanging on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night. Needless to say his enclosure was mad extra secure