View Full Version : My "giants"

03-06-14, 02:08 PM
First up are my 3 year old pair. About 11ft now and just starting to bulk out.
I slow grow all my animals on and have never power fed them but my view is that they have many years to reach a massive size And girth and I would rather them be healthy when they did it.
The albino laid last year so still has a bit of condition to put back on.
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zps5343a5a1.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zps5343a5a1.jpg.html)
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zps2d2a0782.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zps2d2a0782.jpg.html)
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zpse4df7b31.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zpse4df7b31.jpg.html)

My granite male. He's just starting to get some size on him now.
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zpse3bebd77.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zpse3bebd77.jpg.html)
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zpsd98c2248.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zpsd98c2248.jpg.html)

And my holdback female albino from last years clutch.
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zpsefd3e08a.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zpsefd3e08a.jpg.html)

And my final "Giant"
My Natal Rock python. This girl has a hiss louder than ANY snake (adults included!) I've EVER heard!! She is very, very vocal but doesn't strike or bite.
She is a pleasure to own and I feel very lucky to have her in my collection.
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zps44719a49.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zps44719a49.jpg.html)
http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/emmabee1976/null_zps1e4b49a8.jpg (http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/emmabee1976/media/null_zps1e4b49a8.jpg.html)

03-06-14, 02:09 PM
Wow, amazing collection of giants! All beautiful!

03-06-14, 02:12 PM
Gorgeous collection!!!! It's hard to pick a favorite :D

03-06-14, 02:19 PM
Wow, amazing collection of giants! All beautiful!
Thanks :-D

Gorgeous collection!!!! It's hard to pick a favorite :D

Same here! I just love the Natal because she is simply stunning and is different to work with to the burms but I love the big albino girl as she gave us out first burm clutch. She's also amazingly calm.

03-06-14, 02:33 PM
Awesome big guys! They make everything look small!:D

03-06-14, 02:38 PM
Awesome big guys! They make everything look small!:D

They certainly take up some room! Their Viv is currently 7x2

03-06-14, 05:01 PM
All lovely mate, particularly your Natal Rock :)

Bet feeding time is fun at your place :D

03-06-14, 05:20 PM
All lovely mate, particularly your Natal Rock :)

Bet feeding time is fun at your place :D

Feeding times expensive :-D

I used to like the gang being on winter fast then I tried a new feeding plan and only two went onto fast this year!

EL Ziggy
03-06-14, 10:43 PM
Wow, those are some BIG, beautiful creatures. That albino is exquisite.

03-07-14, 03:57 AM
Very nice!!

dave himself
03-07-14, 07:38 AM
Beautiful burms and your Natal is stunning :)

03-07-14, 08:21 AM
Sweet collection!

03-07-14, 02:51 PM
Love that Natal, don't see them very often!

03-08-14, 05:00 AM
I like your collection they all look really good, just a thought but are you signed up for the Facebook African Rock Python page, just incase you want to sign up for it heres the link. They are a great bunch of people and very helpful and resourceful.
Sheffield S25

03-08-14, 07:04 AM
I like your collection they all look really good, just a thought but are you signed up for the Facebook African Rock Python page, just incase you want to sign up for it heres the link. They are a great bunch of people and very helpful and resourceful.
Sheffield S25

Cheers for the link, I'm not no.
TBH she's the only one I keep and that's only cause she's a "dwarf"!!

I love my big burms but rocks are a different game!

03-09-14, 05:06 AM
Have you thought of getting a Natal male to possibly breed them, they are not very common and you would have plenty of eager owners wanting them. I would want some in the future but my pair is enough for me at present. Your girl does look well chilled out, and I am totally jealous of you lol.

04-03-14, 11:50 PM
Beauties, all of them.

04-05-14, 12:16 AM
Beautiful burms! The coloring on the sides of your normal is gorgeous. I almost like normal better :)

04-05-14, 02:39 AM
I'm sure your Granite is smiling lol

04-14-14, 08:02 AM
All looking good Emm. Hope Nattely is behaving herself

04-14-14, 06:09 PM
Beautiful burms

08-13-14, 04:28 PM
Beautiful burms